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  1. Clazzaayy


    I was able to hear you whisper the first time, but at the time you said surrender you did have your gun in passive mode this made me think your order was invalid. I am sorry if i was acting wrong in this situation, but I have always been told that passive mode does not equal gunpoint. My friend...
  2. Clazzaayy

    Flavius Maximus | Breaking 2.1

    I'm the guy in the demo, I apology for my actions. Hope that this wont result in a ban. Perhaps just a warning.
  3. Clazzaayy

    Yupz :D

    Yupz :D
  4. Clazzaayy

    I think its time to call quits.

    Good to know that you are back on the server :) Flav
  5. Clazzaayy

    Ban request

    + Support As this looks a lot like a Sugavi thing to do
  6. Clazzaayy

    Ban request

    +Support I was on when it happened