Search results

  1. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Be able to disable reflective mirrors

    I dont know for the other places
  2. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Be able to disable reflective mirrors

    When im at infront of the entrance door of projex and look towards the pub i get like fps drop
  3. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Be able to disable reflective mirrors

    How is that similar that's for rear windows im speaking about the reflective mirrors that are inside pub, jeniffers etc. that affects fps majorly when looking there
  4. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Be able to disable reflective mirrors

    As I said it should be an option in settings for client side
  5. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Be able to disable reflective mirrors

    Suggestion Title: Be able to disable reflective mirrors Suggestion Description: There should be an option to disable reflective mirrors in the settings since they dramastically reduce fps at unexpected times Why should this be added?: - People will not lose so much fps while looking towards the...
  6. Goblin

    Perpheads montage 5

  7. Goblin

    Refund Request (Goblin)

    Your Steam Name: Goblin Your Roleplay Name: Priti Nightfall Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:200951260 Reason for Request: 2.5 Requested Items: mp9, 30x mag, rifle comp, pistol refle Evidence Type: Evidence Link: @Super_
  8. Goblin

    Ban Dispute (locksmith)

    Close it for now
  9. Goblin

    Ban Dispute (locksmith)

    My friends POV of the whole incident from when we/I start chatting and then this continues:
  10. Goblin

    Ban Dispute (locksmith)

    Like the whole time me being on the doorframe before hand?
  11. Goblin

    Ban Dispute (locksmith)

    Not at the moment but what I provided is the reason locksmith banned me for
  12. Goblin

    Ban Dispute (locksmith)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Locksmith How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: Goblin Your Roleplay Name: Priti Nightfall Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:200951260 Why were you...
  13. Goblin

    Police Suggestion Be able to confiscate crowbars

    Then don't give them SO? Isn't SO meant to be the more experienced officers?
  14. Goblin

    Police Suggestion Be able to confiscate crowbars

    Ye if an SO has the ability to confiscate guns since he can search people why not the equipped ones it's not like an SO is braindead
  15. Goblin

    Police Suggestion Be able to confiscate crowbars

    What's the difference between confiscating weapons and crowbars?
  16. Goblin

    Christmas Giveaway

    Priti Nightfall
  17. Goblin

    Perpheads montage #4

  18. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Remove "delay" to do stuff after eating/healing

    It's still an annoying feature on the server I doubt it's intended because literally you can't do anything when I said "immune state" it's once you do the healing such as actually healing not while you are healing
  19. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Remove "delay" to do stuff after eating/healing

    Suggestion Title: Healing bug Suggestion Description: When using healings such as stim packs and you are done using you can't pull your weapon or other stuff for a small period of time. Why should this be added?: It will encourage more solo raiding, since solos don't have somebody to hold for...
  20. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Force name change

    Suggestion Title: Force name change Suggestion Description: When helpers/staff force name you to change your name, make it so we can see the reason such as "last name not realistic" etc. Why should this be added?: It will help for people to know what to change instead of being confused and...
  21. Goblin

    Dispatcher Enjoyability

    good joke
  22. Goblin

    Buying headphones/iem

    I am using my dt 770 pros 80ohms without an amp you don't need an amplifier till you get like a very high ohms I would recommend buying hyper x cloud II and it has a microphone but it's deatachable and it's on your budget.
  23. Goblin

    Buying headphones/iem

    If you need headset with mic I'd go with hyperx cloud II if you just need headphones not really sure but I got DT 770 pro 80ohms which they are doing their job pretty good.
  24. Goblin

    Police Suggestion Make arrest/ticket comments optional

    Just hold space like I do
  25. Goblin

    Ban Dispute (Hodgparjor)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Hodgparjor How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day Your Steam Name: Goblin Your Roleplay Name: Priti Nightfall Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:200951260 Why...
  26. Goblin

    Refund Request (Goblin)

  27. Goblin

    Refund Request (Goblin)

    Your Steam Name: Goblin Your Roleplay Name: Priti Nightfall Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:200951260 Reason for Request: I am him Requested Items: mp9 fully stocked with rifle comp and 30x mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Mini
  28. Goblin

    Model Suggestion Acog sight customazable

    Suggestion Title: Acog sight customazable Suggestion Description: Having custom sight on ACOG Why should this be added?: You can put custom reticles on other sights but not the ACOG. What negatives could this have?: None What problem would this suggestion solve?: People having a preferance
  29. Goblin

    Server Suggestion Make automatic fire rate default something very similar
  30. Goblin

    Server Suggestion New keybind

    How would it make macroing harder to detect if macros have specific craft time everytime, but with a keybind to craft you still have to press it and it wont be consistent timings?