Search results

  1. ClampyIQ

    :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

    :laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:
  2. ClampyIQ

    Refund Request (ClampyIQ)

    as of right now ik im missing 2x mp5k full kits, 6+ full kitted hk45s, a tv, a large rug but ik im still missing a few more things extra too
  3. ClampyIQ

    Refund Request (ClampyIQ)

    Your Steam Name: ClampyIQ Your Roleplay Name: Pablo Heisenberg Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:565672557 Reason for Request: someone bombed and burned my shop with molotovs and a lot of my stuff burned...
  4. ClampyIQ


    bros opps are anyone with less than a day playtime :facepalm::facepalm::laughcry:
  5. ClampyIQ

    Refund Request (ClampyIQ)

    Your Steam Name: ClampyIQ Your Roleplay Name: Pablo Heisenberg Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:565672557 Reason for Request: Another player was on the wrong side of the road, i had an action request approved by acerius. Requested...
  6. ClampyIQ

    Action Request (Leviathan)

    it appears that he is currently banned for something else so he cannot be contacted in game. also appears he didnt care after doing it the first time
  7. ClampyIQ

    see you soon buddy

    see you soon buddy
  8. ClampyIQ

    Action Request (Leviathan)

    do I need to make a refund request separate or will that also be handled in this?
  9. ClampyIQ

    Action Request (Leviathan)

    Your Steam Name: ClampyIQ Your Roleplay Name: Pablo Heisenberg Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:565672557 Player's Steam Name: Leviathan Player's Roleplay Name: Lucy Kevin Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83426086 Why should this player be punished?: This player was driving on the wrong side of the road, my...
  10. ClampyIQ

    I gotta flex it man idk

    I gotta flex it man idk
  11. ClampyIQ

    Model Suggestion Show different Reticles in Inventory.

    Suggestion Title: Show different Reticles in Inventory. Suggestion Description: My idea is that when you look at red dots in your inventory it should show what the reticle looks like. Also when you put a gun down for sale it should show the reticle while looking through the sight. Why should...
  12. ClampyIQ

    Server Suggestion Faster Car for Fire Department

    Suggestion Title: Faster Car for Fire Department Suggestion Description: A faster car for higher ranking fire fighters for medical emergencies/ Why should this be added?: I think that it would be a great addition for high ranking firefighters because it would help them be able to get to...
  13. ClampyIQ

    Cereal or milk first?

  14. ClampyIQ

    Cereal or milk first?

    Federal prison is where you belong MA’AM
  15. ClampyIQ

    tobias walker

    W Tobias
  16. ClampyIQ

    Cereal or milk first?

    cereal and it will always be cereal
  17. ClampyIQ


  18. ClampyIQ

    Congrats well deserved ◡̈

    Congrats well deserved ◡̈
  19. ClampyIQ

    i disagree armin had peak character development i couldnt do it

    i disagree armin had peak character development i couldnt do it
  20. ClampyIQ

    Bug Report (rings have vanished) - Me wearing rings - One more of me wearing rings...
  21. ClampyIQ

    Bug Report (rings have vanished)

    also found a clip of me wearing all my rings
  22. ClampyIQ

    Bug Report (rings have vanished)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: rings have vanished How to reproduce the Bug: Yesterday I was wearing my 10 rings almost 600k worth of them roughly and I decided to put some latex gloves on for the day. today a little bit ago I decided I wanted my 10 rings on for my new outfit...