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  1. james Black

    Server Suggestion Cars despawning when test driving

    thats actually a better idea thanks
  2. james Black

    Server Suggestion Cars despawning when test driving

    Suggestion Title: Cars despawning when test driving Suggestion Description: When you test drive a car sometimes you accidentally exit it or if police tell you too, then you lose your money and sometimes you forget you cant exit the car. thats why i would think it would be better if there was a...
  3. james Black

    being bored is [ATTACH]motivation

    being bored is motivation
  4. james Black

    my stomach

    my stomach
  5. james Black


  6. james Black


  7. james Black

    PLPD Online Suggestion Delete messages and edit messages

    this acutally sounds like a good idea
  8. james Black


  9. james Black


  10. james Black

    [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]respect to these guys who build this

    respect to these guys who build this
  11. james Black

    Bug Report (when you try to lock an object it sometimes bounce off where ever you tired to place it)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: when you try to lock an object it sometimes bounce off where ever you tired to place it How to reproduce the Bug: fix the gltich where it doesnt just jump around when trying to place Time Stamp: 11:50 EU Media...
  12. james Black

    PLPD Online Suggestion View observation reports you have submitted

    this would be very usefull since sometimes i forget witch and who i made them with in the past
  13. james Black

    Rule Suggestion (3.7 Properties)

    B sounds better
  14. james Black

    Server Suggestion Fix spotlights/utilities with wrenches.

    this sounds like a good idea i would also bring more realism
  15. james Black

    [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]base of today

    base of today
  16. james Black

    [ATTACH]shop of the day

    shop of the day
  17. james Black

    Server Suggestion TVs should be able to loop videos

    thats right i also said that in the downsides
  18. james Black

    Server Suggestion TVs should be able to loop videos

    Suggestion Title: TVs should be able to loop videos Suggestion Description: When you put a video on a tv there should be an option to loop the video since you would be able to make advertisement using a short video Why should this be added?: i think it would make store be cooler since you...
  19. james Black

    PLPD Dispatch

    i think there should be a stage where theres a test to see if your microphone is good enough and if yuo have the law and policy knowledge and the skills to make a incident
  20. james Black


  21. james Black


    it was fun being working with you all
  22. james Black

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    mine is to become a helper
  23. james Black

    lucky man [ATTACH]

    lucky man
  24. james Black

    beautiful tokens [ATTACH]

    beautiful tokens
  25. james Black

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    i was making a example like they think they are above you even if there not
  26. james Black

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    also the new Recruts even if they arent senior officer and just normal officer they still think they are better that corporals just bc they have a rifle so they dont let you talk and then they rush in
  27. james Black

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    its bc they let every body in it should be senior and above also when you have a mason helms with a rifle in your back screaming move!! it takes away the fun
  28. james Black

    Happy 1st december everyone

    Happy 1st december everyone
  29. james Black

    30th november is today

    30th november is today
  30. james Black

    R.I.P Poul Walker 30. november 2013,

    R.I.P Poul Walker 30. november 2013,