Search results

  1. Alexander Smith

    Veterans day 2024

    For family, country and future. God bless and thank them for their honourable service
  2. Alexander Smith

    Veterans day 2024

    Friends, Soldiers. Today 11/11 is Veterans Day. A day not like every other day but one where we who have served and are still serving are brought closer together. A day where we think, feel and remember... Bad jokes, smells, things we have seen, among other things. It is a day where recognition...
  3. Alexander Smith

    Hipp hipp hurra på din födelsedag! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, viel Glück, Gesundheit und ein...

    Hipp hipp hurra på din födelsedag! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, viel Glück, Gesundheit und ein langes Leben! Wszystkiego najlepszego HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  4. Alexander Smith

    Action request

    here is the format for action requests. Kind regards Heikki Smith Your Steam Name: Your Roleplay Name: Your SteamID: Player's Steam Name: Player's Roleplay Name: Player's SteamID: Why should this player be punished?: Evidence Link:
  5. Alexander Smith

    first time playing

    Hello there and welcome to the community! The first time everything was literary pink and errors, that was my first time but after looking more into it and buying HL 1 & 2, portal and fixing all needed files (yes back in the day you needed to have those files) I felt overwhelmed. There was so...
  6. Alexander Smith

    PERP memory lane

    Alexander Hudson I remember well. Fun to have you back, welcome. Maybe we run in to each other soon in the wild city of paralake
  7. Alexander Smith

    PERP memory lane

  8. Alexander Smith

    PERP memory lane

    Hello there! So it has been some time, and I have been going through my drives, looking and generally going down memory lane of my time here, To give some brief introduction I joined back in 2014, the time has flown by and the amount of people the I have met here throughout the years is...
  9. Alexander Smith

    Thanks, Husky hope all is good!

    Thanks, Husky hope all is good!
  10. Alexander Smith

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!
  11. Alexander Smith

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!
  12. Alexander Smith

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!
  13. Alexander Smith

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!

    Thanks, sorry for a slow response. Hope all is good!
  14. Alexander Smith

    What is your favourite person in the community?

    Actually miss it. Lots of memories, frustration and toxicity
  15. Alexander Smith

    Tack. Saknar faktiskt att möta dig på ett litet korrupt sätt. Varit ett helvete med mycket...

    Tack. Saknar faktiskt att möta dig på ett litet korrupt sätt. Varit ett helvete med mycket händelser men hoppas att det flyter bra på för dig. Vänligaste hälsningar Heikki
  16. Alexander Smith

    Still, we were undermanned!

    Still, we were undermanned!
  17. Alexander Smith

    First time you joined perp

    The beginning of April 2014. I had no clue what little squeeker me was doing more than robbing people, breaking 3.4 and screaming racial slur over goverment radio when I was being attacked
  18. Alexander Smith

    I will post a picture of the old PERP every day until it's fixed

  19. Alexander Smith

    Sweden or Denmark

    Compare the two 25-30 years ago and Sweden would win ; Compare their histories and Sweden would win ; Compare military powers & Knowledge of fighting and Sweden would win But look at Sweden today, Rape, Islamism, political chaos, age to civil war and lack of personnel to keep the society safe...
  20. Alexander Smith

    The medic from above
  21. Alexander Smith


  22. Alexander Smith

    increase prop limit pls

    Next stop with even more props MS Estonia. Can see a lot of potentials so major support from me +Suppport
  23. Alexander Smith

    Bye my beloved fwends :(

    From this day and beyond PIKTEN will never be the same...
  24. Alexander Smith

    Bye my beloved fwends :(

    OP Nerf taser!!
  25. Alexander Smith

    The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    Heikki Smith 444-1634
  26. Alexander Smith

    Siege Tournament

    Team Name: The Pastors Team Members: @Alxander Smith @Tomten @Obikenobi4 @Firuz132 @TimThriller map(s) and game-mode: All, Hostage, Bomb Team Reserves (optional): A1L, muffin man 6743 Team Logo (optional):
  27. Alexander Smith

    Personality Test

  28. Alexander Smith

    bdsmtest 100% Switch 93% Rigger 90% Owner 84% Masochist 75% Pet 74% Rope bunny 69% Exhibitionist 68% Degradee 64% Primal (Prey) 60% Degrader 59% Submissive 55% Dominant 55% Vanilla 55% Sadist 52% Experimentalist 46% Voyeur 42% Daddy/Mommy 42% Slave 41%...
  29. Alexander Smith

    what toothpaste do you use

    All I use, All I need