Search results

  1. John Lombardi

    Refund Request (omgguy)

    why didnt you just put it in a chest and give him perms safer and easier way
  2. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (3izu)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @3izu How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days Your Steam Name: TheIrishGamer0 Your Roleplay Name: johnathon soap Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:628541187 Why were...
  3. John Lombardi

    Refund Request (omgguy)

    how did a sweater take it in the first place and kill you then did you just drop it in the open or something
  4. John Lombardi

    Steam Game Recording [BETA]

    yes but for the first while as daniel said its a beta so there will be alot of glitches in it that could be a problem
  5. John Lombardi

    Police Suggestion Gas masks

    also what about a old idea i think someone had. Riot shields for tfu
  6. John Lombardi

    Police Suggestion Gas masks

    this update could be great if my factory idea gets added masks for tfu or make a hazmat team to clean out the operations while tfu have a limited amount of time to be inside the gas to kill the operators of it
  7. John Lombardi

    Server Suggestion More Drugs?

    yes although it would be cool i can see why if they deny it because it will take alot of work and rework of the game but atleast if they added one or two new drugs of i mentioned and now do the whole grow cook sell done or just cook then done as its pretty much the same you get me. But yes and...
  8. John Lombardi

    Server Suggestion Free heals for police

    yes although this is a great alternative it still is time consuming
  9. John Lombardi

    Server Suggestion More Drugs?

    Suggestion Title: More Drugs? Suggestion Description: right now the server drug operation is very bland Why should this be added?: i feel like the drugs in the game are very simple and that there should be more drugs you can make like for example. Ketamine , ecstasy , LSD , Fentanyl, opium or...
  10. John Lombardi

    Server Suggestion Drug Use

    god damm beat everyman that challenged him at it i them my got shut down XD
  11. John Lombardi

    Server Suggestion Free heals for police

    this would be very helpful iwl but yea as it was said above this it is only about i call out or a few minutes work to pay for it
  12. John Lombardi


  13. John Lombardi

    Perpheads Paintball Tournament

    this would actually be quite fun
  14. John Lombardi


    welcome back :cool:
  15. John Lombardi

    R3D's Enforcer Application

    +1 from me he is a very nice player towards every one pretty sure no one hates chin and yea i think he could make a great enforcer or mod if even
  16. John Lombardi

    Extortion Season

    :laughcry: Love it and love the clip of douglas at the end XD
  17. John Lombardi

    should i make a ban appeal at 7pm 5 hrs before i get unbanned

    ya doin that with left over time i have been making stuff for my org
  18. John Lombardi

    should i make a ban appeal at 7pm 5 hrs before i get unbanned

    dam only another 5 hrs if he doesnt see the unban requwst
  19. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day Your Steam Name: TheIrishGamer0 Your Roleplay Name: johnathon soap Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:628541187 Why were you...
  20. John Lombardi

    should i make a ban appeal at 7pm 5 hrs before i get unbanned

    was banned for 2.5 - User had shot another player with no intention of killing them, but ended up killing them cause they were telling them to shut the fuck up. i dont know what to do as it was desrved due to my stupid actions but also would liek to get on and start building my new org ??
  21. John Lombardi

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    not pride month actually its mens mental health month
  22. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days Your Steam Name: TheIrishGamer0 Your Roleplay Name: John Soap Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:628541187 Why were you...
  23. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    a1l can you please respond
  24. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    no it is a apology and i am sorry dk how you can think if i sound veery sorry or not but i am and i did tell him oi was gona appeal it and he saids he would consider it
  25. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    also id really like to play the prop hunt game tonight aswell as the rest of the games ect
  26. John Lombardi

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days Your Steam Name: TheIrishGamer0 Your Roleplay Name: John Soap Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:628541187 Why were you punished?: i...