Search results

  1. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (aquaa)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  2. IKEA monkey

    he just massrdm'ed........

    he just massrdm'ed........
  3. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: guy broke gunpoint and tiered my car Requested Items: 1x Mclearen P1 Tier Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Marine Putin
  4. IKEA monkey

    need a or as a cop

    @BIGJIMMY69 said he would love to give you an OR
  5. IKEA monkey

    congrats on mod

    congrats on mod
  6. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: guy broke NLR weapon ID: 185926512 Requested Items: 1x mp5k w/stock and mag 1x holosight 1x rifle comp Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Auston
  7. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: rdm, which lead to a shootout Requested Items: STYR AUG 1x STANAG 1x 5.56 suppressor 1x reflex sight 1x Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @TYMON007
  8. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    define standby, because i dont belive going in the middle of the shooutout is "standby". someone can lock this until a staff member deals with it.
  9. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (IKEA monkey)

    alr, i shot your car so you dont drive away, which is perfectly fine to do, in the case of me needing a friend revived in a ACTIVE shootout. you also decided to drive towards a PD and mayor life alert, and you think its safe? you also decided to run away while still under gunpoint, which is a...
  10. IKEA monkey

    i wish to stay banned but @babyshay threatened my family to make the appeal.

    i wish to stay banned but @babyshay threatened my family to make the appeal.
  11. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (headline)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  12. IKEA monkey

    happy bday

    happy bday
  13. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: firefighter on wrongside of road Requested Items: 1x scar 1x scar mag 1x scar stock 1x reflex sight 1x rifle comp Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  14. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (swaffle)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Swaffle How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  15. IKEA monkey

    Ban Apology (Rick F.)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Rick F. How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Why were you...
  16. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: someone stole my car and tiered it going 122mph Requested Items: $29,600 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Rick F.
  17. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: i lost my gun for being conficated 10 seconds after i died, while it was a active shootout still, which PD lost. Requested Items: 1x as50 1x as50 mag (full) Evidence...
  18. IKEA monkey

    Server Suggestion Org Salaries

    why would a organisation pay taxes, the whole point of a org, is for criminality, not tax paying. and me personaly wouldnt see this get used ever. like people have meantioned is you would be better off getting paid for tasks, although you can do that via bank transfer.
  19. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: guy was driving on wrong side of highway Requested Items: 25.600 money Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Allen Kennedy
  20. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (qv)

    Your Steam Name: qv Your Roleplay Name: Gaz Uppy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:634735385 Reason for Request: bad defences Requested Items: 1x g36c 1x g36c stock 1x g36c mag 1x reflex sight 1x rifle comp Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @MoonStars
  21. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: very bad defence Player confiscated Colt M4A1 (183555320) at Parker Building Materials Inc. belonging to IKEA Monkey (STEAM_0:1:454786864) Requested Items: 1x M4A1 1x...
  22. IKEA monkey

    your mean :( (thank you)

    your mean :( (thank you)
  23. IKEA monkey

    Thank you.

    Thank you.
  24. IKEA monkey

    thank you.

    thank you.
  25. IKEA monkey

    thank you.

    thank you.
  26. IKEA monkey

    thank you.

    thank you.
  27. IKEA monkey

    Christmas Giveaway

    Johnny Pablo
  28. IKEA monkey

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Your Steam Name: IKEA monkey Your Roleplay Name: Johnny Pablo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:454786864 Reason for Request: i lost my planters due to server restart bug Requested Items: 2 basic planters 10 christmas tree seeds Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Chase
  29. IKEA monkey

    Action Request (Eistee von Aldi) another clip of this situation. (not me in the clip)
  30. IKEA monkey

    Ban Dispute (Locksmith)

    i cant really say why, he did it. Most likely because i was in the vicinity of a raid.