Search results

  1. Caellian

    Ban Apology (ellie)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Less than 1 Day Your Steam Name: Caellian Your Roleplay Name: Christopher Druitt Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138584504 Why were you...
  2. Caellian

    Map Suggestion Add more housing

    Alright then, this can be closed in that case. Didn't know about the new WIP map.
  3. Caellian

    Map Suggestion Add more housing

    Suggestion Title: Add more housing Suggestion Description: Server could really use 4/8 more apartments (1/2 buildings). Why should this be added?: The current residences have been completely sold out 2 days out of 3/4 days I've been playing. There's a lot of cardboard skyscrapers in the city...
  4. Caellian

    Bug Report (Incomplete Regal Apartments prop clear)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: Incomplete Regal Apartments prop clear I'm not sure how you handle the clearing, if it's bounding volumes in map editor, then they need to be expanded a bit in the shown area. If it's in the script then this is a Lua bug. How to reproduce the Bug...