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  1. Wolvaras

    SWAT radio channel

    +support. Anything that can improve the cluttering of government radio I welcome.
  2. Wolvaras

    Upcoming Server Update

    Might be too late anyway, but I speculate the indicators not always working was due to the rotational positioning of some of them. From one angle they were fine, but as you'd move the blinkers would hardly be noticable all of a sudden. A bit like seeing only the silouhette of the light from...
  3. Wolvaras

    Updating vehicles

    Citroën C4 has a tendency to lose control in corners even when you're not driving at top speed (50MPH).
  4. Wolvaras

    Updating vehicles

    I think the Dodge Charger 2012 needs a look at as well. At speed it easily slides out of control with little warning.
  5. Wolvaras

    Problem: Limited legal activites to do as a citizen.

    I meant as in an abstract food market (like the gun/ammo market), not a physical new place. People could sell their veggie boosts at the bazaar to fill up the lots a bit. On to the rest of your points. I've had some time to think about it, and when looking at it from a different angle it hit...
  6. Wolvaras

    Chronic understaffing of Firefigher/Roadcrew

    First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to elaborate on your experience and position in this thread. It seems we're arguing from two different sets of experience, though I'll take your word for it as a senior player that the trend you're describing is prevalent. I've tried...
  7. Wolvaras

    Chronic understaffing of Firefigher/Roadcrew

    An interesting view, but one which I do not neccesarily agree with. You assume that players inherently want to muck about and create negative situations on the server and feel all powerful, which in my opinion, isn't true. The jobs list you created from popular to unpopular is exactly the same...
  8. Wolvaras

    Problem: Limited legal activites to do as a citizen.

    Problem: As a player, you only have a few viable legal options to do when playing on PERP to gain funds and meaningfully interact with other players. - Do one of the government jobs - Sell legal items like fish, weapons etc. - Roleplay a beggar and get scoffed at. None of these make good use...
  9. Wolvaras

    Chronic understaffing of Firefigher/Roadcrew

    Similar to the roadcrew, the taxi job also suffers somewhat from the same issue. I'm adding a section for them as well.
  10. Wolvaras

    Chronic understaffing of Firefigher/Roadcrew

    This thread is created with the idea for an open dialogue. Any observations and opinions you may have are most welcome to be expressed in this matter. The problem From what I've observed, the government jobs popularity are determined by two factors: Demand and Fun. Demand can make a job fun...