Search results

  1. deadnoise12

    The Harpers Applications.

    IG Name / Steam Name: IG : Alex Browns / Steam : deadnoise12 Age: 20 Total Playtime: 1 week Combat Experience 1-10: 1 Driving skills 1-10: 9/10 Current money: 38K (Saving for a better car) Cars owned: GMC Syclone / Ford Transit Preferred Weapon: Glock 17 / Colt M1911A1 / Remington 870 /...
  2. deadnoise12

    Gone for a while

    Its ok, i don't know a lot of people ether. Thanks mate ^^, and i just play for fun so don't worry.
  3. deadnoise12

    Gone for a while

    Welp, vacations are over for me. Ill try to come and play but its gonna be hard. So see y'a when i see y'a perpheads !
  4. deadnoise12

    Happy birthday m8 ! (ps) i luv your profile pic its so kawaii ^W^

    Happy birthday m8 ! (ps) i luv your profile pic its so kawaii ^W^
  5. deadnoise12


  6. deadnoise12

    no problem m8 take all he time you need :)

    no problem m8 take all he time you need :)
  7. deadnoise12

    hi its me again. just letting you know im still waiting for a joining your org. Don't worry i...

    hi its me again. just letting you know im still waiting for a joining your org. Don't worry i can wait :)
  8. deadnoise12

    The Bourne Family applications

    OOC Details Steam name: Deadnoise 12 Age: 19 IC Details Name: Alex Browns Age: 23 Balance: 31k Cars: GMC Syclone / Ford Transit Preferred Task(s): narcodics making/Crafting/assisting/Defending
  9. deadnoise12

    Hello again !

    Howy perpheads ! Ive been away for a LONG time, and ive missed perphead RP. but im back and i hope i can enjoy one of Gmod greates community ! see you in game ^^ (PS) im still kinda busy soooo....i may not be on Gmod sometimes Xp
  10. deadnoise12

    hello Garo. Im sorry i wasent on the server so mutch as i used to, i had some problem with my...

    hello Garo. Im sorry i wasent on the server so mutch as i used to, i had some problem with my PC, its fix now (i hope) So is it ok if you add me back to the org ? if not then ill just look for an other. Stay awesome ;)
  11. deadnoise12

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: Deadnoise12 Age: 18 Country: France Are you active enough?: Yes (if i have free time between 9 to 12 / 13 to 18, and if im not at high school) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71254187 (if its wrong then im sorry) IC Information In-Game name: Alex Browns Age: 29 Any cars you...
  12. deadnoise12

    Randomly generated fires / more fires.

    I agree, the fire men job can be boring from time to time. but the chance of a forest fire starting should be low just to keep it realistic.
  13. deadnoise12

    Hello, I am James!

    Welcome to PERPHEAD ! the best server in garry's mod ! Hope you have lots of fun here :D
  14. deadnoise12

    Royal British Mafia - Applications

    [OOC] Steam name : deadnoise12 How old are you (we don't really mind as long as you can RP and act mature) : 18 Can you use a microphone (again, isn't necessary). : Yes How long have you played? : (In game 1 week), one year ? i can't really remember [IC] How skilled are you, on a scale of...
  15. deadnoise12

    Men in Blood - Applications

    Organization application form: [OOC] Steam name : Deadnoise12 How old are you? 18. Can you act mature and RP properly? Yes. Have you read and respect the server rules? Yes. Have you got a microphone and do you use it? Yes. (Kinda old but still works) How long have you played? around 7...
  16. deadnoise12

    The Funeral

    Just a normal day on PERPHEAD
  17. deadnoise12

    Scout on the run.

    something i did a long time ago on Gmod, let me know what you think :) ( Problem with the picture ? look it up on my steam page HERE ) (PS) i know that the picture is small, i can't fix that.
  18. deadnoise12

    Low-Poly Creations;)

    Really nice work !
  19. deadnoise12

    Good Fellas - application

    thank you gottlie94 ! whats Mohammed Abul phone number in the PERPHEAD server ? and yes cakmalaz its that kind of roleplay that im looking for :)
  20. deadnoise12

    Good Fellas - application

    ic name: Alex Browns ooc name: Deadnoise12 Irl age: 18 Where are you from: France (if the time laps cause a problem let me know) Playtime: 9 - 12 hours 13 - 18 hours / all day if im free What car/cars: Green Mitsubishi Colt Ralliart (Im saving for a real car) How much money: 285840 $ Firearms...
  21. deadnoise12

    A new face

    Glad to meet you 2 ^_^ PS : why did you put a photo of a knife ??? O_o
  22. deadnoise12

    A new face

    Hello ! Names Deadnoise12 but in real life its Jules ( Wear name ? cuz im French :3 ). Ive been playing on the server for a LONG while and i still love it ! i would love to donate but i don't have any money :( Ive meet many awesome folks but sadly theres people who don't care about rules and...