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    Change to firefighters' cars

    Topic: Change to firefighters' cars Short explanation: -Add new car:"Tanker" Detailed description: Because It has big capacity of water. Optional additions: -Tank meter to fire fighting vehicles(not to the patrol car) -Tank filling spots to the town and fire department
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    My best M24 shots as S.W.A.T.

    Here is video me shooting with M24. I hope you enjoy this little montage: Related topics: Ash, Daymon and the entire SWAT Team
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    Topic: School to Paralake Short explanation (in notes): - shcool added somewhere on the map -Teacher job Detailed description (why should it become added/...): -There will be taught:Rules and laws -It would make less noobs/rule breakers -The exam for this job have to be hard as balls...
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    Special Forces Army

    SPECIAL FORCES ARMY What we do in the org? In this org we: Grow drugs,Make guns and raid/kill people...
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    Special Forces Army Applications

    Put much information as you can! Good luck Ingame name: Steam Name: Steam ID: Total playtime: Requested Position: Are you a VIP: List of all cars you own: When are you mostly online?: In which organizations have you been: What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Why you want join...
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    Bullet Vest

    Topic: Bullet vest to civilian Short explanation (in notes): -You could craft/buy bullet vest Detailed description (why should it become added/...): -Because in real life you can buy bullet vest on gun shop and it would come handy if you are in shooting Optional additions: -Bullet vest to...
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    Lower pocket money amount

    Topic:Lower pocket money amount Short explanation: a smaller amount of pocket money Detailed description:Because it is un realistic to have 100k in pockets Optional additions:Lower it to 1k