Search results

  1. xxSiMcHyxx

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮ | ♛ Applications ♛ |

    ✮[OOC] Information✮ Steam name: xxSiMcHyxx Age: 16 Country: Slovenia How active are you?: 2-4 h ♛[IC] Information♛ In-Game name: Nick Brown Age: 25 Current Vehicle: Mini (buying new car) What's your favorite gat?: AK47/M1911 Do you know any of our members?: alitle Why do you want to...
  2. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Arnolds

    (OOC) Steam name : xxSiMcHyxx Average play time : 2-4h Age : 16 Country : Slovenia Playtime : 1week (IC) In game name : Nick Brown Cars : Mini (saving up money) Balance : 120k (Just got VIP so I am planing on groving) Favorite gun : AK47 / M1911 Preferred rank : Henchman I am a folower not a...
  3. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Tagliano Family | APPLICATIONS OPENED!

    OOC Information Steam name: xxSiMcHyxx Age: 16 Country: Slovenia Are you active enough?: I play 3-4 h a day How long have you been on the server?: 1 week IC Information In-Game name: Nick Brown Age: 25 What car do you have?: Mini (going to buy an Ascalade) Are you VIP?: No (looking to buy...
  4. xxSiMcHyxx

    Iniosta Family Application

    Steam Name: xxSiMcHyxx In-Game name: Nick Brown playtime: 1 week Bank Balance: 120k vehicle: mini (Saving up for a Escalade) previous orgs: Luxion Famely, Man In Red , The Serbian Mafija, The Sindicat why would you like to join?: I am looking to be a part of a famely that wuld look after...
  5. xxSiMcHyxx

    spaghetti army apps

    name: Nick Brown (ic) age: 11 ;D r u a skid: ye! r u trained in the dark side of the rules (minging:) yes Master ! r u cool: I have a turtle if that helps !
  6. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Arnolds

    (OOC) Steam name : xxSiMcHyxx Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45543642 Average play time : 3-4 h Age : 15 Country : Slovenia Playtime : 1week (IC) In game name : Nick Brown Can you bring your own guns? Yes Crafting level: 8 Firearms level: 21 Cars : Mini (Saving Money) Balance : 120 k Favorite gun...
  7. xxSiMcHyxx

    Refund request from xxSiMcHyxx

    Your in-game name: Nick Brown Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45543642 (xxSiMcHyxx) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I wont to test drive a Buggatti Veyron and i payd 80k and in the first 20 second of me driving it a cop crashed in to me . The car got instantly broke (that is wird because it is...
  8. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Crimson Mafia - Applications

    (IC) Name: Nick Brown Age: 25 Number: 497-6839 Car type: Mini Cooper (I am saving up for a good car) Previous organisations: Man in Brown/Man in red, The Davitson Famely, Caccuza Crime famely. Key Skills: Geting ride of police, geting awey with murder, good bilder, good in firefights, good...
  9. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Luxion Family Applications

    IC Information First name: Nick Last name: Brown Age: 25 Cars you own: mini cooper Backstory: he was born in Slovenija and he muved too america because he wonted to leav the american dream but what he thot was muging people, rading theyr homes and growning drugs . Thats the american dream Key...
  10. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Crimson Mafia - Applications

    (IC) Name: Nick Brown Age: 25 Number: 497-6839 Car type: Mini Cooper (planing to buy a beter one, but not yet) Previous organisations: The Davitson Famely, Man in Brown, and 2 others. Key Skills: Bilder, defence, shooter, cool headed (unles explosivs are used),good with rifles...
  11. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Davidson Family Application

    Good Good
  12. xxSiMcHyxx

    The Davidson Family Application

    The Davidson Family Application In-Character Name: Nick Brown Character’s Background: He was born in Slovenija. Normal hardworking citizen thru his life until he got fired at the age of 25 when he sprey painted a **** on his bosses car. he culden't find a new job beause of the big report ...
  13. xxSiMcHyxx

    Wánglíng Syndicate Application

    IC: First Name: Nick, but changing it to (Leslie) Last Name: Brown, but changing it to (Chow) Religion: Atheist Race: Chinese Why would you like to join: I wuld like to join a gang because i wont revange on all of thohse low leaving thugs that killed my friends and shot at me and them , robed us...
  14. xxSiMcHyxx

    Cacuzza Crime Family Applications

    OOC Steam name: xxSiMcHyxx Age: 16 Country: Slovenija. When are you online: All the time . IC In-Game name: Nick Brown . Age: 24. Any cars you have: Poopi Mini . Are you Premium: not right naw. What firearms level are you: 16 What are you specialties? weaponscrafting, loyality, decent driver...
  15. xxSiMcHyxx

    Men in Blood - Applications

    I am ollready lvl 13
  16. xxSiMcHyxx

    Men in Blood - Applications

    [OOC] Steam name: xxSiMcHyxx How old are you? 14 Can you act mature and RP properly? Yes Have you read and respect the server rules? Yes Have you got a microphone and do you use it? Yes i do How long have you played? 4 days in game time [IC] What do you personally feel you excert...
  17. xxSiMcHyxx

    Seventh Sanctum

    Name: Nick Surname: Brown Hidro we olreadiy talked and all we ned to clire up is that 12 h ban.