Search results

  1. Imnius

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: Imnius Age: 14 Country: Norway Are you active enough?: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51860036 IC Information In-Game name: Richard Gootenberg Age: 21 Any cars you have: none Are you VIP?: nop What would you bring to this Family?: I will bring defence in raids, help in raid...
  2. Imnius

    Royal British Mafia - Applications

    [OOC] Steam name : Imnius How old are you : 13, turning 14 in about a month. Can you use a microphone : Yes. How long have you played? i have been ingame for 1 day but i have been playing on the server for a while. [IC] How skilled are you, on a scale of 1-100, at making weapons? : I'm just...