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  1. cheers mate thanks

    cheers mate thanks
  2. Happy 4th of July!

    Happy 4th of July!
  3. bro really has the my dress up darling pfp that's wild, eren yeager did not fight for this (I...

    bro really has the my dress up darling pfp that's wild, eren yeager did not fight for this (I had to google image search that btw)
  4. happy birthday buddy

    happy birthday buddy
  5. happy birthday brotha!

    happy birthday brotha!
  6. Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    Maybe a separate text location, top left / right would be nice, though those areas are frequently used by other systems. Could have PBCs act on like an activity timer, so say for 2 minutes after a PBC is made, when entering a vehicle it would flash the PBC message on say the top left of the...
  7. Happy even later birthday than the other guys

    Happy even later birthday than the other guys
  8. Ban Apology (exnem)

    Please wait at least 1 month before making another appeal. Your previous 2 appeals were just denied within the past 24 hours and this one is of absolutely no improvement. If you genuinely want your appeal considered I suggest making a serious attempt to reintegrate by contributing to...
  9. o7 soldier

    o7 soldier
  10. Hello.

    oh yo no way this is crazy
  11. cuz white is always up

    cuz white is always up
  12. Nice

  13. Tillin made a oopsie

    I think this thread should be moved to ideas and suggestions and serve as a prime example as to why we need the dumb rating to be added again.
  14. Ban Apology (Phoondos)

    Hello, @phoondos and @JoeyThings are the two who issued you the ban. To give you a little explanation on rule 3.4, the general concept is risking your life for a justifiable means. For example, if you are being pulled over for speeding, it would be unreasonable to pull a weapon and or shoot...
  15. Ban Apology (blackdown!!)

    Next time, do the right thing and make the apology first. If you like our server so much, don’t try and ban evade, play fairly like everyone else. Ban extended to 1 month due to attempted ban evasion.
  16. Ban Apology (blackdown!!)

    You have 24 hours to respond to @Acerius message before your ban will be extended for ban evasion.
  17. @blackdown joey cappuaciono joey texas

    +1 agree, wasn't gonna drink today but man I be missing my homie george washington
  18. Happy Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday!!
  19. Hi perp

    Welcome! Seen you around a bit, nice to play with ya!
  20. Hello PH!

    Welcome! If you ever need any help feel free to post here on the forums or make a report in-game!
  21. Model Suggestion More Suit variants

    While I agree that more suits would be a great idea and relatively easy to implement, I urge you to add more detail to your suggestions as that is specifically what the developers look for when considering suggestions and it really helps expedite the process. Add some images, give suggestions...
  22. i think hes sorry

    i think hes sorry
  23. Ban Apology (Bnjemann)

    Why did you use chatgpt to write this @Slinky ? Do you not care enough about rejoining the community to actually sit down and write out a genuine response in your own words?
  24. hello

  25. Ban Apology (blackdown!!)

    Ban will be extended to one month due to you lying in this ban appeal. It seems you have had plenty of time to learn how to drive by now!
  26. happy birthday :^)

    happy birthday :^)
  27. congrats!

  28. ya will be missed partner

    ya will be missed partner
  29. Goodbye (ish)

    Been a fantastic 4 years, while it is sad to see you go, I know without a doubt that you always had the best interests of the community in mind and you are truly a great friend. It was always a pleasure working with you, I only wish I was around more these past few years. Gonna be paying a...
  30. o7, you are now a pensioner!

    o7, you are now a pensioner!