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  1. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    [SOLVED] Cop dodge charger bugged

    So the cop dodge charger is messed up, it just happended randomly. This is what it looks like Any fixes?
  2. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    When people are scared

    Sorry for the static or bad quality, just found this from earlier today xD
  3. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Bye.... I am going somewhere better

    Today, I was told to shut the fuck up from a swat officer ben walker, put inside my own room. It anyoyed me but I carried on, however. the admin creepis told me once I come a medic with no clue to "shut the fuck up you fucking cunt". to know it was a admin made me real annoyed, i physicly had a...
  4. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Dispatch revive/revamp

    Discussion thread: Main idea: Making dispatch more in depth like the police force(but small and not that much) Description: So I know dispatch is easy to get into, which can result in a lot of dispatchers being not a good dispatch, I...
  5. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Joe Baggers

    So I was an officer tonight with this sgt and I was about to arrest someone with a drug addiction, but the sgt gave me a better idea to send him to the hospital for a programe to help him, after it failed and he tried to jump, we took him back to the hospital and gave him some nice drugs to...
  6. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Bye for some time

    So if people that know me have not seen me on perp lately, its because life has been coming into me Recently, My auntie and uncle was diagnosed with cancer, unfortunate to say this is terminal. I felt like playing perp wasnt the best thing to do and i should help. they are going very soon so I...
  7. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Uncle T's Express Rice/Thomas Fredrick

    I was with this senior officer today and his rp was real good, he was teaching me more stuff about how to be an effective officer and is freindly and helpful toward the community with his brilliant rp, the senior officer had alot to deal with but still stayed strong and kept rp looking good for...
  8. [BSRP]QualityLolz

    Car dealer never opening.

    It just keeps crashing my game can you please help i would like a fix thanks