Search results

  1. LEWIS 088

    The Fall Of The Third Reich | 1945 (This is a goodbye post)

    Thank you everyone who commented, messaged me or said bye. It's been a blast, Fuhrer signing out forever. @Madda is next.
  2. LEWIS 088

    The Fall Of The Third Reich | 1945 (This is a goodbye post)

    The Formal Surrender Of German Forces - 1945 - Colourized Man where do I even start? I'm not one for writing loads of stuff so I'll keep this all as short as possible. For those of you who didn't know, I joined this community in 2013 (I know it doesn't feel real after 8 years that it's...
  3. LEWIS 088

    Good luck to everyone who I've met here over the years, some I can call friends, I tried my best...

    Good luck to everyone who I've met here over the years, some I can call friends, I tried my best here but it was time for it to come to an end, ill make a goodbye post probably. Peace out guys.
  4. LEWIS 088

    Please start selling ammo at bazaar guys

    I'll come and sell you my stuff @BigBenji
  5. LEWIS 088

    Lions & Eagles

    @Madda Thought he was on about War Thunder when I saw the title, was not disappointed though
  6. LEWIS 088


  7. LEWIS 088


  8. LEWIS 088

    Staff Team Changes

    @Madda actually fell for this in Discord. "Noooooooo @Bolli resigned!!!!!!"
  9. LEWIS 088

    New Monitor

    @Creepis I'll just pretend that it wasn't my main monitor for like 3 years then :(
  10. LEWIS 088

    New Monitor

    *sweats* looks at second monitor which is AOC *sweats*
  11. LEWIS 088

    Sorry but @Inchs beat you to it

    Sorry but @Inchs beat you to it
  12. LEWIS 088


  13. LEWIS 088

    @Kenty Where did you get this picture wtf!!!!

    @Kenty Where did you get this picture wtf!!!!
  14. LEWIS 088

    wtf you leave boogie alone

    wtf you leave boogie alone
  15. LEWIS 088

    @flugs Is cooler than you now!

    @flugs Is cooler than you now!
  16. LEWIS 088

    Come back :(

    Come back :(
  17. LEWIS 088

    Paralake Residents Association

    Ingame Name: Steam Name: Playtime:
  18. LEWIS 088

    Paralake Residents Association

    Introduction Being a new player here in Paralake can be difficult, that’s why I’ve decided to create the “Paralake Residents Association” our goal is to make the city a welcoming place to any newcomers who are struggling to fit in or figure out how everything works around here. OOC Disclaimer...
  19. LEWIS 088

    I wish I was German :(

    I wish I was German :(
  20. LEWIS 088

    Deutschland über alles

    Deutschland über alles
  21. LEWIS 088

    You making a return?

    You making a return?
  22. LEWIS 088

    The Square

    @Tyla Jai seems to be some illegal activity going on here, better get plod down asap
  23. LEWIS 088

    @Collier Shut up Colin!

    @Collier Shut up Colin!
  24. LEWIS 088

    You know this means we actually have to play on the server :vomit:

    You know this means we actually have to play on the server :vomit:
  25. LEWIS 088

    Doing it properly this time.

    I've seen over 250 staff members in my time here if not more, being in the top 8 I would consider very high.
  26. LEWIS 088

    I'm not actually a nazi you know, honest!

    I'm not actually a nazi you know, honest!
  27. LEWIS 088

    You really think that in 7 years that's the first time I've wrote a recommendation? lol

    You really think that in 7 years that's the first time I've wrote a recommendation? lol
  28. LEWIS 088


    I'll start off by stating that I do not post recommendations on players very often (because I hate you all) but @Efan definitely deserves to be noticed for his hard work in the last few weeks. It's no secret that I publicly displayed my disproval of Ethan getting the role of Community Manager...
  29. LEWIS 088

    Doing it properly this time.

    Although you didn't like me I was actually one of the people who pushed for you to get admin other than stupid Blackdown ofc. I don't post a lot on goodbye threads because honestly I can't be bothered but you deserve some recognition for your time here as a staff member. I'm happy to have...
  30. LEWIS 088

