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  1. Putanovski

    My perpheads funny moments recently

    Estonians causing nothing but trouble and trauma
  2. Putanovski

    Lua Bug Report (Weapons that were on sale didn't return to storage)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Weapons that were on sale didn't return to storage How to reproduce the Bug: I owned business shop 2. While I owned the shop I put up for sale 8 Sakos, 1 SR-25 and 1 M24. I sold one of the sakos and then sat on a sofa that was in my shop. I was afk...
  3. Putanovski

    curb your ar

    this was a lot funnier in my head
  4. Putanovski

    When Heikki gets shot

  5. Putanovski

    AR on Kevin Blackwell (Boytoy)

    You would kind of get shot anyway as they would tell you to drop your gear or at least the weapon you had on your back, but since you were afk you would not comply and they would be forced to kill you?
  6. Putanovski


    I shot you yesterday so I don't think we are good friends
  7. Putanovski

    The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    Rain Putanovski 806-5308 Much love for giving away a bunch of free stuff.
  8. Putanovski

    remove rain

    How about we keep the rain but make less common or not last as long
  9. Putanovski

    Sorry boyz

    The hero we needed.
  10. Putanovski

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    Merry christler
  11. Putanovski

    [SFM Poster] Illegal Operations

    I might go and play some perp now because of this. Great work by the way.
  12. Putanovski

    Nostalgia Thread of your old favourite vidya games.

    I remember playing that first game, what was it called?
  13. Putanovski


    I read all of this pretending I understand something
  14. Putanovski


    1 please
  15. Putanovski

    Ryzen or Intel

    I've used amd for a long time and it worked great for the price, but if you are a rich man or just want better go for intel
  16. Putanovski

    Take care guys!

    I'd hate to see you go but it is what it is. Take care man.
  17. Putanovski

    300K giveaway - Be creative

    use the Ali-A intro with a poorly edited text saying DJ Conyo
  18. Putanovski

    Halloween Giveaway

    8 Please
  19. Putanovski

    Team Fortress 2 tournement

    when will the match be held? I could join i got like 5000 hours on the game
  20. Putanovski

    all of them I love anything tf2 related

    all of them I love anything tf2 related
  21. Putanovski

    I admire your tf2 meme material, truly something special.

    I admire your tf2 meme material, truly something special.
  22. Putanovski

    Increase render distance

    I was using the ingame steam browser while typing this and for some reason clicking on the comment button didn't do anything
  23. Putanovski

    Server not new player friendly at all.

    I do agree that new players have a hard time getting started, I try to help as many of them as I can but I can go around giving all new players 50k and guns because I do need some myself. Something has to be changed.
  24. Putanovski

    Increase render distance

    I can comment on my own posts but not yours
  25. Putanovski

    Increase render distance

    I don't know the issues you can ask him if you want. But they probably outweigh the benefit of seeing further. And I don't know how to comment.
  26. Putanovski

    Increase render distance

    Yep and the issues are not going to be worth seeing a bit further
  27. Putanovski

    Increase render distance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  28. Putanovski

    Increase render distance

    It can't be increased because of the games engine
  29. Putanovski


    what is the meaning of this