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  1. rapzeh

    ur bad at pvp

    ur bad at pvp
  2. rapzeh

    Paralake Prison v2

    I used to play on a SAMP server a looong time ago which had exactly this. I killed four people in a gang related shooting and got 40 years for it - 400 minutes, (6 and a half hours give or take). And honestly, it was fantastic. I met players in the prison who I then got with outside to do stuff...
  3. rapzeh

    Best Headset?

    Buy a headset and a mic separate, best of both worlds imo. Headset mic combos are always made with the least interest in the microphone and the most into the sound quality. Buy ATH M50X's and a blue microphone of some sort. I use a Shure SM58 as my microphone atm cause it's what I use to record...
  4. rapzeh

    Action Request

    First of all, you were outside my door and pulled a gun out, so I closed the door and put my shotgun away whilst I still had time. I shot at you for holding a gun and shouting at me. And you still got two coke from it anyway, so I don't really see the issue? My apartment door was locked and we...
  5. rapzeh

    THIS IS IC: Local resident looking for bank robbery crew

    /IC I'll be decoy. I've got some suitable stuff to help.
  6. rapzeh

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  7. rapzeh

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. rapzeh

    Action request on Rapzeh

    Yeah hi, I got mugged the other day in that pub and was told by a moderator it was fine so I don't see any problem. It was fairly late (or so I remember, I can't watch the demo, gmod says it's corrupt), so I decided to mug someone. I went up to him, pulled my gun on him, the usual, and then my...