Search results

  1. Visto

    PerpHeads HACKED???!

  2. Visto

    Jake Fulton and some other cop

    I was the traffic Officer. EDIT: There were no supervisors on at the time to authorize me to do so. I used my own judgement because of the fact he was driving on the sidewalk and recklessly across the road potentially endangering the lives of motorists... Logan failed to include the part after...
  3. Visto

    Trailer Park Boys

    I am taxing the role of Willie goat, or bubbs.
  4. Visto

    The B.U.G. Mafia

    Enemies? You are testing our patience. We will deal with you like Nigel Farrage deals with your Romanian pals. If it is war you want it is war you will get. War!
  5. Visto

    GPS System

    If you play as police or medic you are required to know the streets. AyJay went to the hastle of making a map so you could see the streets, if you can't find them then play as civ more.
  6. Visto

    Police Forces - Ambulance - Fire Crew

    Northumbria Police Firearms Squad First Response (picking up a radgie, probably from Blyth) Our Chief Constable, Steve Ashman Our Air Support Unit
  7. Visto


  8. Visto

    CID Police Units

    Topic: Criminal Investigation Dpt. (Detective) Short explanation (in notes): - Undercover - Carries a gun like a secret agent - Carries a badge in the form of a Swep Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think this would add an uncertainty to the game in terms of illegal...
  9. Visto


    I bought a sexy studio apartment for $100
  10. Visto

    Main Street Mafia

    Nathan, you being the owner of the gang I urge you to read our new section about becoming a contract killer within the gang.
  11. Visto

    Contract Killers - Mainstreet Mafia

    Send someone on a prolonged vacation. Here at Mainstreet Mafia We have been tasked to "deal with" several people, no matter the occupation of the person, place or time. within 3-4 hours of the hit being placed (depending on the person) the target will be "away" Even if they are arrested we will...
  12. Visto

    Radio is not working and it is pissing me off.

    Its every time I join, its not just odd times, all the time... its pissing me off.
  13. Visto

    Radio is not working and it is pissing me off.

    I have asked several people now and the results have not proven helpful. I live in England so it is not banned in my country, it just says error initializing music stream. How do I fix this?