Search results

  1. More regular cars / court of law

    Hi, I have an idea to improve the roleplay and increase the realism in the game. To Create some more regular cars, like Volvo xc70, Volvo xc90, Volvo v40/60 and such. Good idea?
  2. Yup :)

    Yup :)
  3. Tooter Account

    @Blomman :D
  4. Mugging, camera

    Sorry for that, did not know the template. Yeah pretty much what you just said, BUT still. It is realistic to mugg someone infront of an camera.
  5. Mugging, camera

    As far as I know, you're not allowed to mugg someone infront of an camera right? The police dispatcher can use the cameras around the city right? That's realistic, I agree. But when an unknown citizien Walking around and don't know if it's a camera there or are even wanted at this time, it...
  6. Perpheads TTT Server

    TTT would be fun! Also Jailbreak servers as MattIs said above. I Think any kind of zombie mode would be pretty cool too! That's just my opinion. :) /Blomman
  7. The Harpers Applications.

    IG Name / Steam Name: Steve Smith / Fl00wer Total Playtime: 2 weeks, almost 3. Combat Experience 1-10: 8 Driving skills 1-10: 10 Current money: 560k Cars owned: Upgraded volvo, Saving for a new car. Preferred Weapon: Pistols, Shotguns and Ak47. What can you offer us? A fulltime protection, and...
  8. The Harpers

    My name is Steve Smith and I wanna join your family. I'm a person that you guys can trust. More like the harder one to strangers. Hope we could have a good time in the future.
  9. The Avito - Applications

    In-Game name: Steve Smith Age(OOC): 17, almost 18 yrs old. Playtime: 2 weeks, almost 3. How will you be a good asset to the Organisation?: I do exactly as I've been told of a "higher" ranked in the Org. I have good patience if someone tries to piss me off. Always happy and I have one and another...
  10. K13 - Bring back fuel hoses from old PERP. (idea 44/155+)

    I like this idea. It will bring more RP in to the game which is very positive. Also make so you don't have to refuel your car that often too. It would be great! That would bring even more RP in to the game! /Blomman
  11. SWAT Van Update v2.0

    It would be awesome with the new van! +Support /Blomman
  12. Blomman is leaving.

    Hey, I just wanna thank all of you guys on the server, for all fun we had together. I'm here today to tell you that I am going to leave this server. I don't going to tell you the reason because it's not necessary but like i said. I wanna thank you guys and I wish you a good luck in the future...
  13. Ban request on Haiden Brown

    First of all. He need to play realistic, cops don't shoot each other at all and you should just use your gun if it's really needed. He killed his teammate to let "friends" go. Senlin said that he lied in a Admin Situation and thats wrong too. I think he should receive a ban, he don't show that...
  14. Ban request Jazz Smith and Fraser Roberts.

    +Support, I agree with SenlinGames.