Search results

  1. JackZ

    GCSE Results

    I got all the grades I needed to get to be able to go to sixths for and study maths, physics, computer science and product design Maths - 7 Biology - 6 Chemistry - 6 Physics - 7 Language - 6 Literature - 7 RE - 7 Computer Science - 6 Graphics - A Resistant materials A* Well done to everyone...
  2. JackZ

    Jack Young RR

    Your in-game name: Jack Young Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:80322740 What do you need refunded: 34k (Bugatti ss repair cost), ak-47 with comp and mag which was lost when I died. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Demo refresh cause me to crash the car Evidence:
  3. JackZ

    GIVEAWAY - 200k

  4. JackZ

    Ar on Mr.Salty

    To be honest to u mate if u cant take some kid calling you a salty bitch then u need to take a look at urself and grow some balls because any normal person won't give a fuck. But you, on the other hand, have to make an ar it just funny PS.
  5. JackZ

    leaving yet again

    See u later dude was fun while it lasted again xD
  6. JackZ

    Montage 3

    Ok ok I see ill let u off nice montage anyway bro
  7. JackZ

    Montage 3

    Damm bro how could u put those gays @Glacial_Subzero and @Sorle in the tags and not me smh
  8. JackZ

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    Ass Ass Ass Ass
  9. JackZ


  10. JackZ


    Ok bro go back to zarp kid
  11. JackZ


    Ok the thing is i beat u in ultimate team like 5-0 then we play with real teams and u bring on custom made 99 keeper and striker that are like 7 foot 8 and score some jammy goal in the 90th minute
  12. JackZ


    Thanks bro really appreciate it always here if u ever need any help :)
  13. JackZ

    Insane TFU Van & PD Raid

    3:30 bit excessive don't u think ?
  14. JackZ


    That's very good to hear but I also don't appreciate shooting everyone's tries in the area you are raiding eg. Office because I don't find that very realistic :)
  15. JackZ


    Is using the SWAT van as a weapon a tactic because i see a lot of tfu doing that these days xD
  16. JackZ

    Happy Birthday Simon xD

    Happy Birthday Simon xD
  17. JackZ

    Dylan Russel

    I agree he's a great lad helped me out by crafting a lot of stuff for me ingame with no hassle and always really nice Big up Dylan xD
  18. JackZ


    ADD ME LJ Name: LeJackZ
  19. JackZ

    AR on JackZ

    And if u want to know he never told me to put my hands up
  20. JackZ

    AR on JackZ

    If you accutally looked at the video you can see that this video was uploaded on the 24 of febuary
  21. JackZ

    AR on JackZ

    Sorry this happened way more than 21 day ago so i do not have to demos @Smudger
  22. JackZ

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: JackZ -Age (OOC): 16 -Are YOU Active?: Yes but i exams soon -Steam ID: N/A -Total playtime: 1 month 15 days -Are you a VIP: Not atm i dont see the point because i have exam in a month or so. (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Jack Young -List of all cars you own...
  23. JackZ


    U can see in my montage that jamal was in office
  24. JackZ


    From what i can remember someone put in org to kos the cops coming up the stair, im not 100% sure why i think its because its because of a warrant.
  25. JackZ

    Cash Giveaway

    OOC Name: @JackZ Number: 11
  26. JackZ

    Shrekage #6

    Nice montage bro Fuck the haters the music was LIT
  27. JackZ

    Small Montage

    Cheers mate Indeed Thanks pal Thanks dude
  28. JackZ

    Small Montage

    Thanks to @Rhys :) for the edit. @JBirksy , @PaddyX , @Dom_ , @Jay , @Jamal , @Takeshi's Castle , @Glacial_Subzero , @Knoxy82 , @DANIEL_
  29. JackZ

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: JackZ -Age (OOC): 16 -Are YOU Active?: Yes -Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:80322740 -Total playtime: 1 month 12 days -Are you a VIP: Yes (IC Questions) -Ingame name: Jack Young -List of all cars you own: Buggati SS, BMW M6 -Favorite Weapon(s): M4A1 -When are you...