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  1. Lychee Soda

    cHeCk yOuR aIr qUaLiTy

    better than south london
  2. Lychee Soda

    Not sure where to put this

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Nazuki / Yukino Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jms / James Rizzuto [idk. it was a courier that was on around 9-10AM eastcoast U.S. time.[ His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72199691 Why Should This Player Be Punished: driving on the wrong side of the road and leaving the...
  3. Lychee Soda

    504 Gotti Boyz Applications

  4. Lychee Soda

    How can we revive?

    one of these bad bois will do the trick
  5. Lychee Soda

    Splint to fix a crippled leg

    okay lets just dumb rate a comment i posted over a year ago
  6. Lychee Soda

    Server Events: 27/05/2018

    the one time that we do events and im stuck working all day lmao
  7. Lychee Soda

    US/North America tourism guide!

    Guide to western and southern part of USA: Los Angeles, California: Traffic is terrible. Smog. Bad vegan food. Weather is great though and if you love the outdoors and smoking weed, you'll love it there. Phoenix, Arizona: I was here during the winter and it was still too hot like wtf. Also...
  8. Lychee Soda

    Forced ERP/Rape RP

    people get banned for anything these days. honestly idc as long as i wont get punished by admins for not consenting to forced erp while being held at gunpoint or some crazy shit
  9. Lychee Soda

    Paralake Housing Thread

    I'm not sure how many people have talked about the housing system on this map, but I just want to see how other players feel about this. It bugs me seeing how subs and now Regals aren't as touched as the Projects and slums. All the rich people, experienced players, and large organizations...
  10. Lychee Soda

    Muscle Cars

    I got tired of always crashing my very expensive McLaren P1 doing stupid things, so I decided to get a secondary car. I wanted something decent, one that could carry at least 4 people and have a decent trunk size. At first I had 500k to spend but I used it to buy VIP, and since I had VIP I...
  11. Lychee Soda

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    For next time it's open (OOC Questions) -Steam Name: Nazuki -Age (OOC): 19 -Are YOU Active?: Yes -Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79465582 -Total playtime: 1 month, 8 days, 2 hours (as of making this application) -Are you a VIP: Not anymore, but I have money for VIP in-game and OOC to buy it so I will...
  12. Lychee Soda

    Are TFU ruining the fun for citizens?

    This is my own opinion, to be a little more fair I think maybe the TFU just shouldn't be allowed to patrol. It's a little bit overkill. Of course the PLPD is suppose to dominate the city, and as someone who willn't even be accepted into the PLPD, before there was TFU and when it was just SWAT...
  13. Lychee Soda

    omg im dying best signature

    omg im dying best signature
  14. Lychee Soda

    Niggas In Paralake

    OOC Information Steam name: -=| Nazuki チェン |=- Age: 18 IC Information Name: Yasumichi Katayama Firearms level: 86 Rifle Marksmanship: 64 Cars currently owned: Mc Laren P1 Not sure if I will be accepted which is fine but I might as well give it a try.
  15. Lychee Soda

    [Storytime] How I almost died when making avatar - GONE SEXUAL

    I like seeing people put time and effort into small details such as a profile picture. Nice job, keep up the good work!
  16. Lychee Soda

    Different Levels of RP?

    Though, it would be nice to see like a coffee shop or something, and have a relaxed, somewhat normal passive roleplay going on in there. I like seeing homes that are fully furnished with actual furniture, because it looks like it just fits in. I can't say I do any good roleplays myself, and I...
  17. Lychee Soda

    Splint to fix a crippled leg

    What do you think stimpacks do?
  18. Lychee Soda

    lmao ikr

    lmao ikr
  19. Lychee Soda

    See Ya Later

    I got banned for a year for killing someone and damaging my vehicle for a not-so-good reason. I'm not going to bother to make an appeal right now, and I'm not really mad about my ban either. But I do want to thank @TinySlayer for handling the admin situation pretty well, and I'm sorry to the...
  20. Lychee Soda

    Hey there.

  21. Lychee Soda

    [CLOSED] Freaking out in a firefight

    1. Get more involved in firefights 2. Be confident about your weaponry and skills 3. Don't think about if you're going to live or die. This is a game. Just win it. 4. Get high IRL. Also what I like to do sometimes is if I'm being raided, use my own raiding tactics, and when I'm raiding, I...
  22. Lychee Soda

