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  1. SpaceShots

    Happy birthday Collier

    Happy birthday Collier
  2. SpaceShots

    Congrats mate

    Congrats mate
  3. SpaceShots

    Update Log 05/08/2022

    Best part about this update log. Thanks @Fredy!
  4. SpaceShots

    You're such a beast :cool:

    You're such a beast :cool:
  5. SpaceShots

    Mazda Furai Raffle

    STEAM_0:0:93635910 I need a car thanks
  6. SpaceShots


  7. SpaceShots

    Imagine sharing a birthday with you.....

    Imagine sharing a birthday with you.....
  8. SpaceShots

    Hey everyone

    talk normally you sound beyond stupid right now, if the dumb rating was here i would dumb rate your comment
  9. SpaceShots

    Post your setup

    this is actually ridiculous
  10. SpaceShots

    Post your setup

    cute cat
  11. SpaceShots

    @Kenty Go to your profile settings under Password and Security

    @Kenty Go to your profile settings under Password and Security
  12. SpaceShots


    If you have no idea about engine parts etc, it's best not to jump straight into it and buy a car and do it that way. Best way is to do loads of research online (as that way you can gain confidence at indentifying parts, which then makes it easier in the long run) Once you've taken something off...
  13. SpaceShots


    @Double J lol no
  14. SpaceShots

    hes not?

    hes not?
  15. SpaceShots

    Ferrari 458 Spyder weird wheel

    This is a TDM issue not server issue. I was told there is nothing they can do about it
  16. SpaceShots

    Nice warning lol wtf is that

    Nice warning lol wtf is that
  17. SpaceShots

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  18. SpaceShots

    Force restarting your demo usually works, does for me at least as I get the same problem

    Force restarting your demo usually works, does for me at least as I get the same problem
  19. SpaceShots

    PERPHeads 2020 Community Awards - Results!

    'Everybody's A Winner'
  20. SpaceShots

    Happy Birthday Freddo [ATTACH]

    Happy Birthday Freddo
  21. SpaceShots

    Happy birthdayyyyy :)

    Happy birthdayyyyy :)
  22. SpaceShots

    Coof Attack

    Do perp members get it for free?
  23. SpaceShots

    Perp kids refreshing for reactions

    needed to be putdown more like
  24. SpaceShots

    Moderators overstepping their bounds and enforcing rules that do not exist (BOOMER THREAD 2.0)

    It's nice to see the Community Manager being used. Oh wait. There has been no contributions from the CM to the community in a long time
  25. SpaceShots

    Moderators overstepping their bounds and enforcing rules that do not exist (BOOMER THREAD 2.0)

    'Furthermore, these concerns of "community is dead" etc. are 100% valid and of real concern to the staff team.' The community isn't dead, it happens every year that the playercount drops massively due to school etc. The playercount always bounces back after a while so what you said is completely...
  26. SpaceShots

    Perp kids refreshing for reactions

    If I could rate this dumb I would
  27. SpaceShots

    The PERPHEADS Experience

    he didn't even need to be banned for it, could've just got a warning considering his history and the fact he only has 2 days playtime, but smh i expect nothing less now EDIT: This is why new people leave, they get fed up with shit like this
  28. SpaceShots

    Well done lad

    Well done lad