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  1. Mim

    I feel like we need a Stark Industries Reboot

    I feel like we need a Stark Industries Reboot
  2. Mim

    I prefer paul bohill [IMG]

    I prefer paul bohill
  3. Mim

    John Dordinkie

    They are incredibly friendly and approachable people too! @cummy glizzy gobbler will even tell you fun facts about premier inn!!!
  4. Mim

    John Dordinkie

    @Jack loves him some anime too!!! He is very approachable aswell!
  5. Mim

    @Dave Why have you tagged me? its good but, why me? I dont want no bad apples from him!!!!

    @Dave Why have you tagged me? its good but, why me? I dont want no bad apples from him!!!!
  6. Mim


  7. Mim

    Staff Changes 12/04/2024

  8. Mim

    Staff Changes 12/04/2024

    Well done @rogue !!!!!!! - Roundabouts in V6 please as first order of business
  9. Mim

    Goodbye (ish)

    And hot fuzz references @Tyla Jai
  10. Mim

    @A1L Is able to censor things just by sitting on them so i can imagine its hard to escape

    @A1L Is able to censor things just by sitting on them so i can imagine its hard to escape
  11. Mim

    You went from hating being a furry to loving it. What went wrong.

    You went from hating being a furry to loving it. What went wrong.
  12. Mim

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    May is a mighty month
  13. Mim


  14. Mim

    Hello Shitty-Airlines

    Hello Shitty-Airlines
  15. Mim


  16. Mim

    I didnt know you had friends!? [MEDIA]

    I didnt know you had friends!?
  17. Mim

    Vault Corporation

    Everytime Tyla does a new Vault of *insert name* org I think of this:
  18. Mim

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    The staff team never did target your organisation, so the fact you are still mentioning this as a surety is beyond me. The fact you resorted to this when you got angry and being much older than me at the times shows a level of immaturity im not sure can be corrected. How have you? Its been 3...
  19. Mim

    Noted with thanks

    Noted with thanks
  20. Mim


  21. Mim


  22. Mim

    Bold of you to assume i wont

    Bold of you to assume i wont
  23. Mim

    if i steal your car will i get a warning from enforcer spork now?

    if i steal your car will i get a warning from enforcer spork now?
  24. Mim

    State of Roleplay - 2023

    ah yes, the annual, RP is shit post from someone who no-one knows. Providing EXPERT insight into the state of RP on perp without any "solutions" to the problems. Im shocked @obidan66 hasnt hopped on the bandwagen with his annual "delete unrealistic org" post. Honestly if you think its gone down...
  25. Mim

    Mallardtage no.10

    top 10 things said before disaster: "My name is Hettie Wolf, im 98 years old and ive never drove before" - Proceeds to crash car, tier it and die,
  26. Mim

    caught in 4k

    caught in 4k
  27. Mim

    Your Lucid Dreaming Stories

    against the ways and means act of 2100
  28. Mim

    Taking a break.

    mate i still get bullied for being a child despite not being a child and just sounding like one
  29. Mim

    Ill be taking a brake

    ive seen too many "ive failed my PD app and been banned from the server" goodbye posts
  30. Mim

    Ill be taking a brake

    are we talking carbon-ceramic or just normal brakes? Personally, I prefer taking the ones with red calipers (Image attached for reference) But yes have a good time away from perp! Ill see your ban apology in the next week or so.