Search results

  1. Scottie012


    Apologies for the delay of this thread but I just wanted to tell you lot that I am currently having a break from perp but will be back shortly, especially sorry for any Bourne family members and I do intent to continue it when I get back ofc. -- phone
  2. Scottie012

    The Bourne Family applications

    OOC Details Steam name: Age: IC Details Name: Age: Balance: Cars: Preferred Task(s): [Raiding/Defending/Crafting/Driving]
  3. Scottie012

    The Bourne Family

    Who we are The Bourne Family is a family of ex-convicts of which have opted to start living a more quiet life away from crime. Scott Bord is currently the head of the family. Things we do Assist Sweatervests and men in need of help Help and live with allies Base together and make money Search...
  4. Scottie012


    Deathrow is a relentless organisation founded and lead by Top Dogs (Oliver Cheng and Scott Bord) working a long side those of society that have been assigned to Death's Row , providing security out of unity of those that we have recruited Roster --------------------------------------------...