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  1. FishAndChipsMate

    Can't join the server

    When I try to join the server it just loads up to Sending client info and then it stays there for some minutes and then I time out. This only happends when there's 60+ people on the server. pls help
  2. FishAndChipsMate

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Hans Heinerud Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58565664 What do you need refunded: 3 large pots, 1 clock, 1 phone, 10 coke seeds, 5 weed seeds, 1 flashlight and 5 hamburgers Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I got mugged in public. Evidence: Tick: ?
  3. FishAndChipsMate

    Gone for a little while

    My internet is not working and I'll be back at the start of next month. I might come on a little bit this weekend because I'm going to my dad's place over the weekend!
  4. FishAndChipsMate

    FishAndChipsMate Introduction

    Hello I'm FishAndChipsMate I'm 13 years old and I come from Sweden. I'm pretty new to perp and I'm looking forward to play more on the server!