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  1. Can't move upon spawning.

    Is there a suggestions thread? They should really disable the feature that would make new players leave the server, until they can fix it.
  2. Can't move upon spawning.

    I joined and i found out i could strafe around, but i will try this.
  3. Can't move upon spawning.

    This is really starting to piss me off now, please fix it.
  4. Can't move upon spawning.

    When i join i cannot move, it is like i am frozen. I tried: Deleting my demo's Being respawned Being shot to death and waiting until i die fully. Please help, i only joined this morning and dont want to not be able to play.
  5. Realistic Cars Prices

    Car prices are high as a counter measure for new players joining just to CDM, It is also a SeriousRP server and the new mini coopers are around that price.