Search results

  1. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    AR on LouiV

    I'm a very active raider, and you was with your friend at first, you walked into the building while your friend was in the back, i told you to get out and get down a lot of times before that, and tho you didn't wanna listen. After i shot you one time, you came back with your grenade, while still...
  2. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni


    You drawed a weapon ater i turned my back, so not valid in no fearing at gun point. And you tole me drop my weapon before i get arrested. Even the guy that was at the shop, realised he was not in danger, when i pointed the gun at the door directly. Also the guy that was in the shop was a minge...
  3. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni


    I dropped it behind the gas station my little makorov looking pistol, so that is a big lie mate! How should i do that, with magic?
  4. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni


    This happen when i got pulled over the 3rd time and ticketed, while the cops came back for the 4th time, i decided to shoot and kill you guys. Stop harrasing people, you just make the game worse! Random traffic stops and shit
  5. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    Lalle don't type in my post

    Lalle don't type in my post
  6. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    The Corleone Mafia - Applications OPEN

    Ingame name: Louis Andersen Steam Name: LouiV Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139036346 Total playtime: 2 days Are you a VIP: Yes List of all cars owned: Crysler What can you craft: Nothing When are you mostly online: British time zone. In which organizations have you been: Redband Why do you want to join...
  7. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    The continuously story of LouiV

    The new master in town. Once upon a time.. There was a guy called Louis Andersen, he was a very polite person until you step on hes toes. He had everything he could point on, but then there was something he could not just buy... That is Paralake City he moved there with his family. He started to...
  8. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    New master in town...

    The new master in town. Once upon a time.. There was a guy called Louis Andersen, he was a very polite person until you step on hes toes. He had everything he could point on, but then there was something he could not just buy... That is Paralake City he moved there with his family. He started to...
  9. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    AR on LouiV

    Please admins check the logs to prove these guys are making a false AR! I know they personally hate me, i hate them too. So the only prove i got is the logs! ' Kitty You can't really use the "it was unarmed people in there, breaking 2.5 killing them" when its no place to be unarmed when you are...
  10. LouiV - Louis Vuittoni

    AR on LouiV

    -support This is a false AR, i was raiding you guys. NOT randomly throwing a molotov cocktail. I already talked to the admin about it the day i did it.. Dude even if your armed or not, i had a gun holstered myself. I threw the molotov so everything could burn out and i wanted to shoot each one...