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  1. Aero

    Spotify Wrapped 2024

    Spotify wrapped users when the music they listened to all year turns out to be the music they listened to all year
  2. Aero

    Cheating for montage clips - is it worth it?

    Roleplay server btw
  3. Aero

    Paralake V6 Development Update

    We're gonna have to bring back the paralake in minecraft server once V6 drops
  4. Aero

    Staff issue

    I think this problem can be solved by making the report form better and forcing you to provide more info. Right now it's too easy to make a report putting in absolutely no effort because it's just a chatbox. (unless this was already changed, I haven't been on the server in ages) There should be...
  5. Aero

    New Baby Born

    don't touch kids man
  6. Aero

    Perpheads V6 Expectations

    It's "Paralake V6" not "Perpheads V6", idk what more you guys expect other than a map overhaul
  7. Aero


    how hard is it to just say ur on the far left lol
  8. Aero


  9. Aero

    Opinion on pirating

    I'm not admitting to anything here, Fredy is a fed
  10. Aero

    You produce music? Send your work here!

    been working on some crazy sound design
  11. Aero

    premiums so cheap

    ever since the meth update and metal price reduction the economy inflated like crazy hence it's 100k now
  12. Aero

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    this actually looks crazy
  13. Aero

    DDR 5

    2x8 is fine still today, personally I'd go for 2x16 nowadays to be good in the long run but if you go 2x8 you can always add 2 more later (assuming you have 4 slots) just fyi that startup times are usually very long with ddr5
  14. Aero

    Ja man gwrp waren de beste gmod tijden naast perp

    Ja man gwrp waren de beste gmod tijden naast perp
  15. Aero

    Extreem lang geleden ik dacht ik herken deze naam toen zag ik op mn profile deze comment uit...

    Extreem lang geleden ik dacht ik herken deze naam toen zag ik op mn profile deze comment uit 2013 lmao
  16. Aero

    Wat doe jij hier nou oud gwrp maatje

    Wat doe jij hier nou oud gwrp maatje
  17. Aero


    most wanted edit is sick, wasted opportunity for a racing/cdm montage
  18. Aero

    thanks big black sir

    thanks big black sir
  19. Aero

    thanks mr

    thanks mr
  20. Aero

    thanks fellow goat

    thanks fellow goat
  21. Aero

    thanks scaper

    thanks scaper
  22. Aero

    Is gambling worth it?

    everything on red
  23. Aero

    Odd food combinations you love

    baked beans, mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs all mixed together, looks like fucking shit but it tastes insanely good
  24. Aero

    Best property to solo base?

    I used to grow in the little junkyard cabin and sit at bazaar/car dealer sniping anyone trying to bobby pin it
  25. Aero

    Current favourite songs V2 [OFFICIAL]

    insane fucking bangers mate i'll throw in a batch too
  26. Aero

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    it's membrane
  27. Aero

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    I got the Corsair K70 MX Silent and it's pretty silent as the name says with the same feel Btw don't get a membrane it sucks