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  1. rat

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    fuck ORs in general bring back commendations as at least a supplement to the current system
  2. rat

    The most hated thing on perp

    need to set up a perpheads fat jar so that anytime someone calls A1L fat they need to put a pound in or be added to his next meal
  3. rat

    The most hated thing on perp

    this, it definitely need some kind of rework, maybe like in ready or not where you can just pick up bodies over the shoulder and carry them like that?
  4. rat

    always got smth up my sleeve....

    always got smth up my sleeve....
  5. rat

    How to become a SO? (Senior Officer)

    basically mate you just gotta get on your hands and knees and pray that one of the many higher ranked officers fancy taking a break from being shot in the head as rtfu to give you an observation report (very unlikely, but if you're beligerent enough maybe someone will eventually take pity on you)
  6. rat

    Rifle Preference

    the trusty baseball bat
  7. rat

    ty, i honestly cant remember it but it does sound like something i would do

    ty, i honestly cant remember it but it does sound like something i would do
  8. rat

    hello friend can i see the evidence that lead to my ban as i did not record the incident myself

    hello friend can i see the evidence that lead to my ban as i did not record the incident myself
  9. rat

    Community Suggestion Monthly Q&A For Update Demand

    Democracy is of the people... By the people... For the people... But the people are... Retarded
  10. rat

    Police Suggestion TFU Gear Sidearms

    TFU really should not be getting high calibre sidearms because it goes against almost everything that the PD stands for
  11. rat

    my lawyers have advised me to retract my previous statement and issue a reassurance that i do...

    my lawyers have advised me to retract my previous statement and issue a reassurance that i do not infact vehemently dislike you. consider yourself fine.
  12. rat

    let's just say mall cop 3 won't be happening any time soon...

    let's just say mall cop 3 won't be happening any time soon...
  13. rat

    don't come to bazaar in 7 tommorows kid is all im saying

    don't come to bazaar in 7 tommorows kid is all im saying
  14. rat

    me casually watching you change my 2 day ban to a week [IMG]

    me casually watching you change my 2 day ban to a week
  15. rat

    Chop Shop Cooldown

    I have a proposal for the council. Shortening the cooldown to like 2 hours or something, BUT, and this is a big but, the first chop shop mission done each day tasks you with stealing a pretty nice pretty high end supercar, whereas any subsequent missions you get like a pretty mid tier car worth...
  16. rat

    hey! :( im just a fan of statistics

    hey! :( im just a fan of statistics
  17. rat

    for example, if you're playing 3 hours a day (a sad life, i know,) and we assume that you do 2...

    for example, if you're playing 3 hours a day (a sad life, i know,) and we assume that you do 2 raids an hour then there's 6 raids a day, or 252 raids for the entire year, meaining that only about 15% of these were new players
  18. rat these figures mean little without... these figures mean little without context (how many times has he raided in total / mugged in total etc, preferably with a rough idea of what % of players are new)
  19. rat

    "a committee will be assembled" ass mf

    "a committee will be assembled" ass mf
  20. rat


    you should just do that shit on your own and learn something bruh stay in school play less perp
  21. rat

    huge admirer of your work o7

    huge admirer of your work o7
  22. rat


    Whats the assignment
  23. rat

    free my boys family

    free my boys family
  24. rat

    free my boy

    free my boy
  25. rat

    A Nice Day Out - A Brief Montage

  26. rat

    free charlie sorle we hate scum cops who get mad over nothing

    free charlie sorle we hate scum cops who get mad over nothing
  27. rat

    Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

    This is a feature that imo expedites the real-life work of a coroner, which would likely be able to identify the type of bullet more accurately. Whether or not it is beneficial to roleplay however is a different story.
  28. rat

    Tax Collectors

  29. rat


    hewwo :cat: