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  1. Mallard


  2. Mallard


  3. Mallard


    @Tony Reggitoni loves grilled cheese
  4. Mallard


    The best cheese is grilled cheese
  5. Mallard

    Mallardtage no.15

  6. Mallard

    Radoslav Stoyanov

    No Ponzi scheme, just pure business
  7. Mallard

    Radoslav Stoyanov

    @fokus-rado08 made a smart investment of 150k into my business and with his help I turned it into a 750k return for him and a 1.5 million for myself. He was invaluable in this endeavour and gave me his in-depth knowledge and motivation!
  8. Mallard

    Who is your patrol buddy?

    Me and @flugs. We don't "patrol" we just smooch in the back of our command car.
  9. Mallard

    Favourite part of Paralake V5?

    The whole thing, I love it all!
  10. Mallard

    Watch And Learn.

    ill bang you on the floor if you're not careful
  11. Mallard

    Favorite Drummer

    The drummer from Coldplay
  12. Mallard

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    My new year resolution is to be more kind. What is yours?
  13. Mallard


  14. Mallard

    Police Suggestion Redirect 911

    Chances are when I'm going code 3 from 1 location to another I haven't got time for that or it slips my mind. Besides, this doesn't address the issue Malek is trying to bring up.
  15. Mallard

    Police Suggestion Redirect 911

    There are multiple situations an hour where the entire on duty PD responds to 1 location to get into a shootout. Redirecting the call in this situation will do nothing as everyone is going to decline in this scenario.
  16. Mallard

    Police Suggestion Redirect 911

    My point was when I'm responding to a shootout or PD is raiding somewhere due to a warrant, and I'm potentially on the front lines holding an angle, as I am a TFU trained Lieutenant, I ain't got time to take 911 calls in those situations. So yeah, during times like that, I decline calls. I...
  17. Mallard

    Police Suggestion Redirect 911

    As a Lieutenant, getting calls during shootouts or other high-priority situations can be an absolute pain in the ass. If the PD is raiding somewhere, or responding to a shootout, and I get a 911 call, my finger moves at the speed of light to decline that shit. If it is diverted from me, to a...
  18. Mallard

    Model Suggestion DNA Gun changes

    Next Benji suggestion, add diabetes to PERP
  19. Mallard

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    In all seriousness, if you owned a pet duck, could you just say you're a duck farmer? Will you need a minimum number of pet ducks for it to count as a farm? If so, how many?
  20. Mallard

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    A1L is banned then?
  21. Mallard

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    this aint on.
  22. Mallard

    Offering to edit your PERP frag clips :)

    Can you edit out all the instances I have broken rules?
  23. Mallard


  24. Mallard

    Any good games for under €5 on Steam?

  25. Mallard

    I was only happy when I demoted you @SomeUser

    I was only happy when I demoted you @SomeUser
  26. Mallard

    its a sea creature of some kind

    its a sea creature of some kind
  27. Mallard

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    You will need to wait for the next admin meeting to get a response, bumping the thread will not help.
  28. Mallard

    Is my computer fucked?

    should not be heat, hes already posted a pic of the laptop with the base removed, looks clean as
  29. Mallard

    Is my computer fucked?

    spam f2 when launching that is