Search results

  1. Erwin

    Best Combat orgs in perp

  2. Erwin


    You are banned until 3 Feb 2025 09:27 (GMT)
  3. Erwin

    Custom build PC UK Decent builds (from what I remember in the past, haven't looked at their prebuilts in a while). Very good customer service, shipping and replacements etc.
  4. Erwin

    need help with people wrecking my car

    Car security upgrades can be purchased from "Ragnatech" near the Casino. This upgrade will prevent people from being able to break into your vehicle, however it must be applied to your vehicle every time it is respawned. As for why the Enforcer may have refused to force the player to pay for...
  5. Erwin


    Excuse me, this is a SALAD thread. This is OFF TOPIC and ABSOLUTELY unacceptable. Mods, do your thing please.
  6. Erwin


  7. Erwin

    Ban Apology (Erwin and the girl i assulted)

    You should probably try writing this yourself.
  8. Erwin

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Vote

    I was a senior mod once :) Edit: Nvm you can only vote for current seniors ;(
  9. Erwin

    Bon Voyage! Try me.
  10. Erwin

    Cop main giveaway!
  11. Erwin

    Any idea when the image requester will be fixed?

    Realistically you should just wait and not make an F6 or message in OOC
  12. Erwin

    I still have the ability to F6 ;)

    I still have the ability to F6 ;)
  13. Erwin

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    Why do you hate having to stop at the red light?
  14. Erwin

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    I completely disagree with the notion that "all I want to do is upset people." Whilst sitting at the intersection, I also took on numerous other open reports. I frequently deal with reports that come in whilst also checking that rules are being followed myself.
  15. Erwin

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    This is definitely a great display of being constructive...
  16. Erwin

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    If you response was constructive enough and not just "WAAAH STAFF ARE ALL EVIL AND STUPID" I'm sure there would be no issues.
  17. Erwin

    What is your personal least favorite rule you think is dumb?

    I'm not sure that "targeting" is really applicable here. I sat at the intersection and watched for anyone who ran the red light, opening a report with them to ask why shortly after. If they did not have a valid excuse, they were gave a warning. A warning does nothing more than let other staff...
  18. Erwin

    Where do you go on vacation

    He has a point, Liverpool is the cesspit of the UK @Jack
  19. Erwin

    [ RELEASE ] Havi's NYPD-PLPD Police Department Reskin Pack

    These are great, been playing with them today! Good work :P PS. The brits would all love a british pack :oops:
  20. Erwin

    Concert bucket lists

    Rammstein has the coolest pyrotechnics
  21. Erwin

    Ban Dispute (Erwin)

  22. Erwin

    Refund Request (rxsm)
  23. Erwin

    Perpheads Tomfoolery 2

    I hope that senior administration implement a new rule that disallows any sort of brain rot... The word "sigma" should be banned.
  24. Erwin

    Ban Apology (Erwin)

  25. Erwin

    Ban Apology (Erwin)

  26. Erwin

    Ban Apology (Erwin)

    Stop making appeals.
  27. Erwin

    Ban Apology (Erwin)

    Wait a while longer before making an apology.
  28. Erwin


    Use audacity
  29. Erwin

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!