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  1. ALOO89

    Theft of a Motor Vehicle

    i dont agree the passenger can lie and say he picked me up and i didnt know its stolen car how can you proof that i know its stolen car to charge me with aiding and abetting also if the driver was armed and the passenger wasn't armed he can say i was hostage most of the plpd will ignore...
  2. ALOO89

    Ban Dispute (SadBoy)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @SadBoy How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months Your Steam Name: ALOO89 Your Roleplay Name: Leonard Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602 Why...
  3. ALOO89

    Tax Collectors

    the org have been made with less than 2 weeks we maange to go up to top 10 on LB and 4 of it member got baned RIP Stay stong @members
  4. ALOO89

    just perpheads no more

    just perpheads no more
  5. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: ALOO89 Your Roleplay Name: leonard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: connor decker Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: player pulled guy under gun point Evidence Link:
  6. ALOO89

    no tax collect for 2 months :(

    no tax collect for 2 months :(
  7. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    go to 3:04 and her what i said is understandable? i think its because when i said take photo you just run away and when i told you to go back to wall your friend understand what i have said so i think you where trolling and still trolling
  8. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    so you herd me saying go to wall or will kill you but you ignored ? and you know i have gun right ?
  9. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    you sure about that i think u ignorde me and waited for me to open the door then u went there
  10. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    you did ask me to stay there since you didnt comply with gp you where ziptied with gun on ur head instead of takeing risk of you life and compile with gp you just ignored us
  11. ALOO89

    Ban Dispute (SadBoy)

    i know i said it beffor just to remind you it would be harder if we left at the time we zip the officers its was better for us that we stay longer due the officers where near each other after we stay longer if you really will care about these 2 mins then i think lot of people would get ban...
  12. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    go to ur demos and check did i kill all the officers "NO" there was 1 officer alive 3z but as i said you didnt try to call 911 or wait 5 mins after shootout stoped if you guys comply with gp that wouldn't happen
  13. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    u got zip tize for removeing your radio if i can take photos with less than 2.04 mins i would but you guys break 3.4 by moveing /talking etc if you where complaing i would do it faster and leave no point of sending messeges her i will wait for staff memebr to deal with it you are just profing...
  14. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    if you are counting from time that you have been zip tize yes its over 5 mins but if you are counting from time that we left the pd its not over 5 mins and if you really complaing about it think about crims they get arrested and the time that it take to take them to pd and give me them 10years...
  15. ALOO89

    Ban Dispute (SadBoy)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @SadBoy How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months Your Steam Name: ALOO89 Your Roleplay Name: Leonard Bushross Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602 Why...
  16. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    we spend 2:04 mins to take photos not 5 mins and we didnt kill all officers 1 officer was alive 3z you guys dc while he was in the pd if you are saying that im not saying trueth upload clip also i dont think you waited 5 mins after we left the pd
  17. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    i dont think thats true you where talking throw mic saying stuff and u said yes go open jail again etc then why you didnt walk back to the same place instade of talking throw mic and saying go open jail ?
  18. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: ALOO89 Your Roleplay Name: leonard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: cameron bleed and xiang qin and joel lavender Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: players ingnored my gp and just walk around and...
  19. ALOO89

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: ALOO89 Your Roleplay Name: leonard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: cameron bleed and xiang qin and joel lavender Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: all 3 of officers dc while there where locked...
  20. ALOO89

    Jailed some criminals today for not paying tax @Betty drizzle [ATTACH] [ATTACH]

    Jailed some criminals today for not paying tax @Betty drizzle
  21. ALOO89

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    PM for leek map so you can join alone and test it guys
  22. ALOO89

    free the mvp

    free the mvp
  23. ALOO89

    [ATTACH] @sloome48 @qv 6 tfu 1 raid

    @sloome48 @qv 6 tfu 1 raid
  24. ALOO89

    Action Request (aloo89 , mphf)

    can you explain how its 3.4
  25. ALOO89

    Action Request (aloo89 , mphf)

    what rule are you assuming that we break ?
  26. ALOO89

    Tax Collectors

    Hello everybody, we are proud to announce that Tax Collectors is looking to expand its employee count. All you have to do is fill in the short application forum in a reply to this post and hope you get accepted. In-Character Name: Out-of-Character Name: Age: SteamID: Steam account link...
  27. ALOO89

    Happy birth

    Happy birth
  28. ALOO89


  29. ALOO89

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    still waiting for that update to be release !
  30. ALOO89

    something i wanted to say long time ago

    that how the game work i mean you lose sometime and win sometime i think that was u ?