Search results

  1. Keloid


  2. Keloid

    Wow thank you :)

    Wow thank you :)
  3. Keloid

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    Wouldn't mind that bit of cash :)
  4. Keloid

    Spent 12K on a Bug

    Your in-game name: Christian Andersen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62515447 What do you need refunded: 12,000 $ Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was at the clothing store where i bought a formal jacket for 12k, but it didnt show up at my screen, so i thought i had clicked the wrong thing. I...
  5. Keloid

    Help Furki pick his parts

    Get 6600K or 7600K with either a Z170 or Z270 :) And ddr4 of course For PSU i heavily recommend the Corsair CX550M, it is cheap and reliable, and quiet! Dont go for the CX550, it is cheaper, but is wellknown for being shit, so grey CX only! GREEN (for some reason link wont work...
  6. Keloid

    oh sorry, then i don't think i have 3 days

    oh sorry, then i don't think i have 3 days
  7. Keloid

    Where can that sorry, is it 3 days worth of gameplay or?

    Where can that sorry, is it 3 days worth of gameplay or?
  8. Keloid

    "Voting Denied, You cannot vote if you are currently banned from the server, or have less than 3...

    "Voting Denied, You cannot vote if you are currently banned from the server, or have less than 3 days playtime on the server." I am not currently banned, and i have been playing for a lot more than 3 days. Is it possible to fix? :)
  9. Keloid

    Libertarian Conservative Party.

    You have my vote!
  10. Keloid


    Vega is going to be workstation cards, so going with 580 is just fine imo Just send me private message if you need any help!
  11. Keloid


    Very nice! Remember to get some white extension cables from cablemod! It is going to look sick!
  12. Keloid


    Very solid build! As Sagittarius said you don't need 750w PSU, i recommend the Corsair CX550M or CX650M. They are pretty cheap, but also very reliable and high quality! Just remember it is CX650M and not CX650 (The old ones are very shit) I have a Corsair CX650M in my build with I7-6700K at...
  13. Keloid

    Long time no see!

    Thanks :) hope to see you on the server!
  14. Keloid

    Long time no see!

    Hello everyone! I played on this server 2 years ago, never really got the hang of it, but it was so much fun! I just started playing again around 4 days ago, and holy god why didn't I visit you guys a little earlier? It is very mature server, and of course entertaining. I played on a DarkRP...