Search results

  1. Nate

    Server Suggestion Seeing names while on narcotics and alcohol

    Suggestion Title: Seeing names while on narcotics and alcohol Suggestion Description: Make it so you can see names when you take mushrooms etc. Why should this be added?: - Because I like to eat the mushrooms and all that because its funny but not seeing names is pox What negatives could...
  2. Nate

    Best Combat orgs in perp

    Mensa sonciesty.. Kenty tinky.. omeles dood :penguin:
  3. Nate

    It was locked. If you refer to the first picture you can see it was cut through with bolt...

    It was locked. If you refer to the first picture you can see it was cut through with bolt cutters :asshat:
  4. Nate

    Bike got stolen today Sad day for the parish [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I am breaking NLR to kill these...

    Bike got stolen today Sad day for the parish I am breaking NLR to kill these mofockas
  5. Nate


    Tom Holland Perpheda moderatoe
  6. Nate


    It’s been a while :penguin:
  7. Nate

  8. Nate


    Should add Nate jones player model And it gives ++ every skill and is really friggin cool or somethin..
  9. Nate

    Hey let’s go over to friggin Larry’s place

    Hey let’s go over to friggin Larry’s place
  10. Nate

    Server Suggestion Make Chop Shop timer start from after delivering the car.

    Suggestion Title: Make Chop Shop timer start from after delivering the car. Suggestion Description: I was doing the chop shop mission and it took me a while to actually steal the car, I used 16 crowbars to get into the car which was ridiculous. But I managed to steal it and evade police and...
  11. Nate

    PERPheads Itinerary - January → February '25

    Dis is good I fink that k you rogue :shamefullyembarrased:
  12. Nate


  13. Nate


  14. Nate

    i feloff..

    i feloff..
  15. Nate

    What is your most succesful raid

    Minge Grabbing Dom Ghandi M82 as sweater in mini coopers. Until we got put on the list :dead:
  16. Nate

    Monkeys in Paradise

  17. Nate

    Christmas Giveaway

    Nate Jon e
  18. Nate

    Favorite Drummer

    Brian Downey from Thin Lizzy, the best Irish band. Here’s some of my other favourite drum parts :penguin:
  19. Nate

    hello everypawdy

    not quite as cool as winning biggest troll on Perpheads awards but congratulations nonetheless :shamefullyembarrased:
  20. Nate


    Perpheads -
  21. Nate

    Spotify Wrapped 2024

    No clue who 6vision6 are the poxy songs kept randomly playing on my PlayStation. Apex twin robbed :penguin:
  22. Nate

    NateHB :shamefullyembarrased: :cat:

    NateHB :shamefullyembarrased: :cat:
  23. Nate

    congrasulation AND happy birthday

    congrasulation AND happy birthday
  24. Nate


    creds enad McGee :smug::penguin:
  25. Nate

    how much time do i have left on my ban?

    106,000 seconeds :penguin:
  26. Nate

    [INFMAP] 1:1 Ireland

    That’s me fockin gaff there so tis :penguin:
  27. Nate

    I don’t mean to hurt you. I bate the shite out of you in the name of love :sorry: :sorry::penguin:

    I don’t mean to hurt you. I bate the shite out of you in the name of love :sorry: :sorry::penguin:
  28. Nate

    Uou are crazy! I believe

    Uou are crazy! I believe
  29. Nate


    This is one of the best pieces of media I have ever had the privilege of consuming. God bless you Thorgal..
  30. Nate

