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  1. Knoxy82


  2. Knoxy82

    damn oh well

    damn oh well
  3. Knoxy82

    only thing in my nans house that uses the wifi is her life support

    only thing in my nans house that uses the wifi is her life support
  4. Knoxy82

    kinda gay if you ask me

    kinda gay if you ask me
  5. Knoxy82

    so what you are saying is if i join the simp gang then i can fuck her

    so what you are saying is if i join the simp gang then i can fuck her
  6. Knoxy82

    no i was talking to this girl and she said she wouldnt go on a date with me since im a fuck boi...

    no i was talking to this girl and she said she wouldnt go on a date with me since im a fuck boi so how do i unfuck boi myself
  7. Knoxy82

    how do i unfuc boi myself

    how do i unfuc boi myself
  8. Knoxy82

    why isnt my picture on the loading screen yet

    why isnt my picture on the loading screen yet
  9. Knoxy82

    i need help

    i need help
  10. Knoxy82

    benji i have a report about a guy called LND need help

    benji i have a report about a guy called LND need help
  11. Knoxy82


  12. Knoxy82


    there was only 2 cops on duty at the time since there was only 6 people on the server 3 of us 2 cops and the guy who we was raiding
  13. Knoxy82


    lelios this was not dealt with in game as its currently 2.47am
  14. Knoxy82

    pretty shit if you ask me

    pretty shit if you ask me
  15. Knoxy82

    Big ol RR

    Clarky" STEAM_0:1:44595797 Cameron" STEAM_0:0:103232940 Pug" STEAM_0:1:84503031 censored.exe" STEAM_0:1:72160298
  16. Knoxy82

    Big ol RR

    mine had red dot and supressor and mag of course :), pugs deagle had full mag, camerons gun had holo sight comp and mag
  17. Knoxy82

    Big ol RR

    Your in-game name: KNOXY82 / STEAM_0:1:68788670 / Lee Starksy censored.exe / STEAM_0:1:72160298 / Chris Jenson Lunas / STEAM_0:0:145122399 / Lunas Rayford Pug / STEAM_0:1:84503031 / Lok Jing-Sheng Clarky / STEAM_0:1:44595797 / Rhys Ross Cameron / STEAM_0:0:103232940 / Rebecca Banks Steam...
  18. Knoxy82

    wheres my 6mill huh
  19. Knoxy82

    man why you get caught for

    man why you get caught for
  20. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    @Henry when you get caught your money is destroyed which is punishment its self since you basically lost money and also 1 year is heavily excessive maybe 1-3 months fair enough
  21. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    @Jack P you will never get enforcer with that attitude you are a disgrace to the community you know how many people die to internet bullying
  22. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    @Jack P that was a meme you can tell by the lack of effort i put
  23. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    dont judge people not really enforcer material
  24. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    I feel like this is the best thing you have said ever and respect this its true why take someones money to ban them the likeliness of jamie and his friends coming back are zero to none
  25. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    @Samuel im not saying look the other way the rule is there for a reason im just saying a year ban is super harsh since their gets removed anyway
  26. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    not really a serious offence XD what not letting fredy get his tiny bit of money wow man proper criminals
  27. Knoxy82


  28. Knoxy82

    goodbye old pal see you when you're a year older

    goodbye old pal see you when you're a year older
  29. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths

    mallard be quiet you dont play on this server no more therefore you aint an active community member
  30. Knoxy82

    Ban lengths
