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  1. The International Contract Agency

    It is no advert in any way? what are you applying I donno how to delete this shit now...
  2. The International Contract Agency

    Welcome to the International Contract Agency Who are we We are a newly founded organisation in the city of paralake. The name may sound familiar with all you people. But for those of you where the name doesn't ring a bell, here is a little introduction. As said, we are a new organisation...
  3. Spotify on the radio?

    Well yeah as i said i don't know how hard this could be i mean i don't really know anything about coding but it could be very easy or damn hard :)
  4. Spotify on the radio?

    Topic: Hear spotify playlist on the radio Short explanation (in notes): - So yeah basicly we already have the radio so i thought about if its able to make it play spotify playlist if you copy their Playlist URI in spotify -So when you have your radio out you can press E on the radio to choose...