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  1. Donation

    Hey i donated and i didnt get donator status what should i do i pmed fredy but he seems afk
  2. AR against Vonz

    yes because i arrested and searched without a reason you guys fail rped
  3. AR Martino marcado

    yes like the they will look abuser with a beautiful eye :)
  4. AR Martino marcado

    i already said i insult u and im saying u deserve more even in here
  5. AR Martino marcado

    It was a random arrest no i was not in a crime seen i was on the street where crime happened like far away from me you deserve every word i told you even more come pm me i can say more :) yea but you didnt know i had drugs before cuffed me etc. etc you failed rp
  6. AR Martino marcado

    Just randomly arested me then take me to the jail and took my drugs etc. I was just trying to enter my home. He did it also randomly without telling me to leave etc.It brokes many rules.I demand demote its not fair to broke rules like this