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  1. since watford pryzm my gyal pullin technique went from 100-0 real quick.

    since watford pryzm my gyal pullin technique went from 100-0 real quick.
  2. fund

  3. something i wanted to say long time ago

    i can’t forgive the fact you fished at hicktown for your bugatti

    staff dont rate killstreaks like they used to

    nat hoe dropping the most solid montage of 2024
  6. 300RP'S Montage

    man said no comp no stock like its 2024
  7. 300RP'S Montage

    how you streaming but you cant record your gameplay... another meth user???
  8. It's time...

    nice try diddy
  9. Permabanned giveaway

    #3up kay fudz till its backwards
  10. Server Suggestion Organisation Vehicles

    can you give bugatti, org ‘tate enterprises’ is awaiting your response
  11. ASDA

    this is what your in-game name looks like when ur a civ idk it’s a new feature
  12. ASDA

    can i join… im really good
  13. mud birday

    mud birday
  14. [ATTACH] #3up bro till its backwards he ain't do nuttin wrong he's a seros roleplayer roadcrew +...

    #3up bro till its backwards he ain't do nuttin wrong he's a seros roleplayer roadcrew + as50 combo = dom "will" lannister
  15. created a perp reddit

    this is slightly blowing it out of proportion. there are several unendorsed perpheads accounts/profiles all over this being another one, maybe just state that it's community created/run and has no affiliation with official perpheads platforms; the majority of the gaming community strives on...
  16. Made some bomb burgers becuase im banned

    do you not feed yourself when you're not banned? nice burgers tho they look pretty banging tbf
  17. sharkster preview (I love satsum0_nox) < hes so cool

    as50 detected, skill issue

    mud piss doesn't look da same without an as50...
  19. aye come city bridge real quick i’ve got a lambo to show u

    aye come city bridge real quick i’ve got a lambo to show u
  20. perpheads montage 1

    sako no comp 400dpi, 14, 150kg ama
  21. [ATTACH] icl yeh its been a tuff few years, been shottin on da mainz now and again... the mandem...

    icl yeh its been a tuff few years, been shottin on da mainz now and again... the mandem don't have no 125 firearms so mans gotta make do wid dis flicky (olsen ygm)... trap don't hit da same no more since perpheads perp
  22. why is this on my fyp?... why is this on my fyp?...
  23. my name is copyrighted just so you know... cease and desist is waiting in your letterbox, don't...

    my name is copyrighted just so you know... cease and desist is waiting in your letterbox, don't cut the green wire tho.
  24. one year without ★ | Serious City RP | Fully Custom | Since 2013... how's life...

    one year without ★ | Serious City RP | Fully Custom | Since 2013... how's life treating u
  25. Netherlands Vs England Prediction give away 100K

    2-1 to england, commenting to stay on giveaway tok
  26. Netherlands Vs England Prediction give away 100K

    4th message! congrats crodie
  27. account sharing is against tos... unless @Fredy

    account sharing is against tos... unless @Fredy
  28. can we give a warm welcome back to ViZe aka will lannister aka dom ghandi fragger

    can we give a warm welcome back to ViZe aka will lannister aka dom ghandi fragger
  29. Game crashes at workshop complete.

    np, as you are on limited ram/vram, setting direct x to an older version may help. if the error still persists can you post it here?