Search results

  1. Bennn

    Storage: Folder

    Main Idea: Storage Folder Full description of the idea: The idea is that we can make maps of the storage. This will help. Here is an example: You have 5 filled water tanks and 3 empty. Then you can make a map of Filled Water tanks and empty tanks and put them in there. Or ammunition map...
  2. Bennn

    Dutch Masters

    Dutch Masters De wereld voegt niet naar jouw gedachten erover, Het gaat gwn z'n eigen Gang. What are we and what do we do? We are a group of Dutch people, we are the masters, We are the legends. We will work together, We will do some green...
  3. Bennn

    Dutch Masters - Applications

    Dutch Masters - Application format Steam name: Ingame name: Age: Premium: Playtime: Previous organizations: Are you active: Are you loyal: Any special skills: Why do you want to join Dutch Masters: