Search results

  1. Capmajor

    RR for Colt M1911

    Your in-game name: Jeremy Lance Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60482776 What do you need refunded:Colt M1911 Why do you want your item(s) refunded:A rule was broken which led to me being searched without proper reason and got my pistol taken from me. Evidence: (Skip to about 1:32)
  2. Capmajor


    I don't believe that as it is pretty easy to tell the difference between a knife and keys especially after we were talking for a while.
  3. Capmajor


    I said "maybe 4.1" as I didn't know who actually did it, at least you confirmed it.
  4. Capmajor


    Thank you very much.
  5. Capmajor


    Your Steam/In-game Name:Capmajor/Jeremy Lane His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (Don't know the steam name or ID)Sky Joelski/3.5,3.24(Started talking about reporting us and about their deaths when we spoke to them in their new life.)Maybe 4.1 (Don't know ID) Nathan/Tyler Joelski/Maybe 4.1(Don't know...
  6. Capmajor


    I was bored and I admit I was in the wrong, I also have to get my demos to work to make reports on them too. But I apologize.