Search results

  1. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

  2. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    Wait at least half your ban, Your record is terrible.
  3. sidd

    Refund Request (MelonMan)

    1x Ak74u (loaded) Logs
  4. sidd

    happy birthday mate

    happy birthday mate
  5. sidd

    Blacklist Apology (Sidd)

    I appreciate the apology however, please learn to handle your alcohol before coming back on perp.
  6. sidd

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  7. sidd

    happy birthday !! :)

    happy birthday !! :)
  8. sidd

    in the bin

    in the bin
  9. sidd

    gee gee

    gee gee
  10. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    Have a good day off. Anyone calling you slurs, please report in the future.
  11. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    @Oddy @Tilin
  12. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    Wait it out, your entire record is atrocious.
  13. sidd

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  14. sidd


  15. sidd

    Police Suggestion add more police undercover cars for senior officers and RTU

    Unmarked cars are rarely used as it is. I'd much rather there be more incentive to use them instead of just adding more.
  16. sidd

    Refund Request (Sorle)

    48x Coca Leaves
  17. sidd

    Refund Request (micbib)

    1x Ak101 /w comp and red dot Logs
  18. sidd

    happy birthday mate

    happy birthday mate
  19. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    You sound rev'd up, have a timeout.
  20. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    If you keep making appeals, your ban will be extended.
  21. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    fix your attitude
  22. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    Wait it out.
  23. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

  24. sidd

    Refund Request (sasuke0115)

    1x Mp5k w/ Red dot, comp (Full) logs
  25. sidd

    Refund Request (Google Chrome)

    1x AK-101 w/ comp, red dot (Full) logs
  26. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    Wait at least half of your ban before you make another apology.
  27. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    You made your apology 30 minutes after you were banned? Wait it out.
  28. sidd

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    Any further rule breaks will result in a much longer ban.
  29. sidd

    Police Suggestion Give RTU Unmarked Transit

    it'd very rarely get used, if that. Really don't need it, leave it for patrol.
  30. sidd

    Refund Request (daZai)

    1x Scar-L w/ red dot and comp Logs