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  1. Seems Legit

    Ban Request For Tori ಠ_ಠ

    Well we did warn you, but you probably didn't hear us over you screaming down your mic and giving us all permanent hearing damage
  2. Seems Legit

    Ban Request For Tori ಠ_ಠ

    I am the officer with David at the time of his fail rp. He also broke rule 2m (Which is why we were chasing him in the first place) and then procceded to walk away from us while we a) had him at gun point and b) while we were dragging him
  3. Seems Legit

    Player Owned Economy

    Skill trees sound amazing, and its just the way I wanted to play. You my friend, are a genius
  4. Seems Legit

    We Need You!!! - Video Project

    I'd love to help in anyway i can, internet willing. My Steam Name is Seems Legit, my picture is the Dixy Chicken Logo
  5. Seems Legit

    Player Resets

    As I stated earlier, Im perfectly happy for skills, cars, money etc to be reset. In fact I encourage it. I'd love to reset my money in particular because I'll be honest, I am sort of broke...all the time and also with the skills it would be good to reset them as (I know this has noting to do...
  6. Seems Legit

    Player Resets

    Don't be afraid of change. I vote to reset all.