Search results

  1. monk

    Action Request (gazza)

    The user doesn't have a forum account so I will attempt to contact them on STEAM or the next time they're on.
  2. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    It is your responsibility to have audio on when playing.
  3. monk

    Ban Apology (Monk)

    After reviewing the clip you sent me after the fact, considering that you had a reason to kill the individual which was the whole point of the report. I will remove this ban however, it's your responsibility to let staff know if you have to go.
  4. monk

    Ban Apology (@monk)

  5. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Reduced to two weeks.
  6. monk

    Refund Request (Souff079)

    SCAMBANS 1x MP9 w/ 30x mag & reflex sight 10x coca seeds I've retrieved the rest, feel free to contact me when your on.
  7. monk

    Refund Request (Jquan)

    SCAMBANS 1x UMP45 w/ Red Dot & Compensator Lexus ISF tier ($7320)
  8. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

  9. monk

    Refund Request (Tomasz Szelbi)

    2x Basic Planter From reviewing logs, none of the planters were sent back to storage after you disconnected.
  10. monk

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  11. monk

    Action Request (MarChiAnder)

    The user has failed to reply despite being contacted on discord for their input. User's current ban has been extended.
  12. monk

    Action Request (Harold)

    User has received a warning for 3.4.
  13. monk

    Action Request (MarChiAnder)

    @MarChiAnder Why did you slash a pink SLR's tires near ragnatech?
  14. monk

    Action Request (Harold)

    @Harold Can you explain why you decided to kill this individual while cops were on scene?
  15. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

  16. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Wait it out.
  17. monk

    Refund Request (racxes)

    $160,000 for Tier 1 Mazda Furai SCAMBANS Contact an administrator+ in game via f6 to receive your refund.
  18. monk

    Ban Apology (@monk)

    Reduced to two weeks, further 3.4 breaks will lead to more severe punishments.
  19. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

  20. monk

    Ban Apology (Monk)

    Wait it out, you should know better.
  21. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Wait it out.
  22. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Don't do it again.
  23. monk

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    SCAM BANS Contact an administrator+ to receive your refund. Contact a senior moderator+ to repair your tiered car as you still haven't paid for the tier. 1x AK-101 w/ Stock, Full Magazine, Red Dot Sight, Rifle Compensator 1x SCAR w/ Stock, Stanag 30x Magazine
  24. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Be nice.
  25. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Wait it out.
  26. monk

    Refund Request (Treble)

    1x Benelli M3 Super 90 SCAMBANS Make an F6 when an Administrator+ is online and link this request
  27. monk

    Ban Apology (monk)

    Don't do it again.
  28. monk

    Ban Apology (monk/auston)

    Wait it out. Reviewed with @Oddy
  29. monk

    Ban Apology (JoeyThings)
