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  1. Modo0

    [ RELEASE ] Havi's NYPD-PLPD Police Department Reskin Pack

    I will pay 10m for the police mini coop
  2. Modo0

    Warning Dispute (Franko) here is my evidence
  3. Modo0

    Warning Dispute (Franko)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: Franko How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Modo0 Your Roleplay Name: Daniel Coates Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235227348 Why were you...
  4. Modo0


    Can I play Walter white jr?
  5. Modo0

    Yo bnje did you change accounts or did you actually get hacked

    Yo bnje did you change accounts or did you actually get hacked
  6. Modo0

    Ban Apology (rxsm)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bnje How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days Your Steam Name: Modo Your Roleplay Name: Daniel Coates Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76561198430720424 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User...
  7. Modo0

    ASDA Academy (Accepting applications!)

    Name (Government/Street): Daniel Coates Do you have a Tooter account? - Yes Hidden talent(s): Growing drugs, defending, raiding, meth making, bank robbing, hostage holding, assassin. If you had an elephant in your basement what would you do with it?: Take him to the jungles of Papua new guinea.
  8. Modo0

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    -1 I dont support this as the server when its populated it actually gets real with shootout quiet frankly everywhere and the police would have a really terrible time, also I don't want to get raided ever 5 seconds.
  9. Modo0


  10. Modo0


  11. Modo0

    Server Suggestion Darkweb Suggestion

    Tooter is like twitter we can use tooter for criminal stuff as its very close to twitter and officers have access to tooter
  12. Modo0

    Server Suggestion Darkweb Suggestion

    Suggestion Title: Darkweb Suggestion Suggestion Description: Let criminals get a website that lets them sell specific stuff like body drugs and other illegal things so that they don't use advertisements as it gets cop's attention also cops cant access the dark web so they can abuse it for their...
  13. Modo0

    Server Suggestion Car Dealer heist mission.

    as a master driver i would say this is an easy way to get money so +rep
  14. Modo0

    Blacklist Apology (Draxen)

    Punishment Type: Blacklist Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Draxen How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days Your Steam Name: Tony Your Roleplay Name: daniel coates Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235227348 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User went afk...
  15. Modo0

    Refund Request (Tony)

    Your Steam Name: Tony Your Roleplay Name: daniel coates Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235227348 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon due to someone breaking the construction rules I really need that weapon back Requested Items: 1x Ak-74u 1x 5.45x39mm Magazine (AK-74U) (Fully loaded)...
  16. Modo0

    Should Apartment Windows Be Breakable

    Yes exactly!
  17. Modo0

    Action Request (aeo)

    Your Steam Name: Tony Your Roleplay Name: daniel coates Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:235227348 Player's Steam Name: aeo Player's Roleplay Name: Santo Dooley Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16223411 Why should this player be punished?: User built to defenses on top which made it unfair for me...
  18. Modo0

    Should Apartment Windows Be Breakable

    yay now i can jump out the window when I'm getting raided and don't have a gun lol
  19. Modo0

    It's time to let go

    Blob ill always miss you
  20. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    and you should not remember me or voyd
  21. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    Okay just because we took your planters dosnt mean that you should try to kill us and bomb my car
  22. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    the bombing is in logs hes talking about the nlr situation when you raided him
  23. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    is it fine if we discussed this in the discord as it is much easier cause of vc channels
  24. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    the bombing
  25. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    and bombed daniel kennedy
  26. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    it should be in the logs as he bombed my car
  27. Modo0

    Action Request (Marecek)

    He rdmed all of us so mass rdm+nlr i need a refund of my mp5/10 and 2.4k for my car @MiniRaze also destroying other cars in the process
  28. Modo0

    Got my first ban, entirely my fault, feels bad man

    Me when i hear the sounds of guns clicking outside my door
  29. Modo0

    Action Request (Voyd, Tony Drake)

    it's only a shot gun and that's it i believe
  30. Modo0

    Action Request (Voyd, Tony Drake)

    to justify my actions didn't know that you had to wait 5 minutes till you can raid so please know that I didn't know that rule existed so please understand I am not guilty