To anyone following my adventures (especially my #1 fan @andreW ) due to life this might be the last year I will be trying for helper so i have to really try this year (I haven't given up, just have to brake the streak for a bit).
I have driven a car, and Im pretty good driveing 140MP/H around the city. Also "Launch control is an advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) found in sports cars and other performance-oriented vehicles that helps facilitate quick acceleration from a standing start. Familiar ADAS are explicitly...
Suggestion Title: Church parking place
Suggestion Description: Add a parking place to the church, its really annoying to receive a ticket mainly because there is no parking space. So a basically parking space on like the left of the door for like 3 or 4 parking spaces.
Why should this be...
Suggestion Title: AI cars
Suggestion Description: AI cars that will roam the city so it feel sless empty when there are almost no players online. Like for example there are 29 players out of the 184 so it fills the slots and when someone joins it removes an AI car.
Why should this be added...
Suggestion Title: Crypto
Suggestion Description: There will be computers you cna mine crypto whit and also ways to ilegaly get crypto whit wich you can make money.
Why should this be added?:
-More ways to make money
-will add more fun
-it will be fun to have cyber police
What negatives...
Suggestion Title: News paper
Suggestion Description: Player driven news paper, a team of players online can get stuff from other online players like pictures and stories and then make a news paper that they chose for how much to sell and the money gose to the city hall.
Also something fun would...