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  1. Sagittarius

    hello? is this thing on?

    hello? is this thing on?
  2. Sagittarius

    Fuck Every Country Thread

  3. Sagittarius

    Thanks, but my name isn't Alex :angeryAkko:

    Thanks, but my name isn't Alex :angeryAkko:
  4. Sagittarius

    SagittariusFam I hate this name so much now

    SagittariusFam I hate this name so much now
  5. Sagittarius


    @Yaseen Unless you meant the obscure electronics company, Nakazaki, and not the town that was nuked, Nagasaki, then I'd advice you to correct your spelling.
  6. Sagittarius

    Steam Awards 2018 - What are you voting for?

    It's that time of the year, so I'd like to hear what you all voted for in the Steam Awards this year. Here are my personal picks:
  7. Sagittarius

    Nokias are great, man. I'm gonna buy one of them or a OnePlus as my next phone in a couple years...

    Nokias are great, man. I'm gonna buy one of them or a OnePlus as my next phone in a couple years time.
  8. Sagittarius

    Beat Saber

    I've gotten a bit better at the game since I last posted, so I just wanted post an update. Here's a video of me playing my new favourite map in the game:
  9. Sagittarius


  10. Sagittarius


    >2 anime PFPs
  11. Sagittarius


    tbf the 02 in the picture is a loli
  12. Sagittarius

    Post your most embarrassing moments that were your fault

    I was listening to music while on the bus, and I was just a bit zoned out and looking in a random direction. Turns out I'd been staring at a girl's ass for about 2 minutes before realising. I then look in a different direction, and an old woman, who was sitting besides the girl I'd just been...
  13. Sagittarius

    What Was Your First Coding Languages?

    Welp, I'm trying to learn C# as my first "real" programming language, but I had a couple of lessons in HTML at school before that. My school now thinks it's a GREAT idea to teach us Processing, a completely obsolete language, for about a year, so that makes me feel absolutely amazing.
  14. Sagittarius

    A notice.

    Yaseen, I'm 99% sure everyone in this comment chain already knew that, so it's not really valuable information
  15. Sagittarius

    A notice.

    wtf dude, it's so easy. Just be happy, what's so hard about that LOOOOL 4Head
  16. Sagittarius

    Forza Horizon 3 - Ended

    Dude, I play PCars 2 and AC, but I still like playing Forza, even though it's more arcadey. More arcadey game =/= worse game
  17. Sagittarius

    Forza Horizon 3 - Ended

    I just want to point out FH3 requires Windows 10. If you want the game, you'll need Win 10. I already have the game, but I'd like the code to do a giveaway at a school LAN I'm organising.
  18. Sagittarius

    Beat Saber

    Come on my stream and I'll beat it, boi not an FC though
  19. Sagittarius

    Beat Saber

    Try the mod installer: Installs the essentials and you can get a lot of optional mods on top of it
  20. Sagittarius

    Beat Saber

    Trying to stream the game as if anyone is interested
  21. Sagittarius


    Hello, it seems people don't understand how to read. Rogue already bought a Nokia. Thread lock, yesyes? @Madda
  22. Sagittarius

    Gay pride tickets, please

    Gay pride tickets, please
  23. Sagittarius

    I approve of the new Ryzen profile pic

    I approve of the new Ryzen profile pic
  24. Sagittarius

    ||Classy Way To Study||

    Just listen to lofi hip hop like everyone else
  25. Sagittarius


  26. Sagittarius

    going for a new headset, what should i get as a mic solution?

    Oh boy, an audio thread. Since I have literally no clue about your budget, I'll go for a bit of a broad spread. It looks like you don't really want anything on your desk or any wires, so I'll only be recommending wireless solutions. I personally prefer a normal headphone with a V-Moda...
  27. Sagittarius

    Identity RPG game

    See ya after 100 more release date changes