Search results

  1. steelo

    Action Request (crazy crazy, and steelo)

    The context to this clip is that one of your mates was mugged in the back of the Puffer Shop by myself, you all then attempted to retaliate by shooting it out at the Bazaar but ended up losing. I was knocked unconscious but was revived, and my org had won the altercation. You also seemingly...
  2. steelo

    Action Request (crazy crazy, and steelo)

    While we were stealing cars, you were witnessed taking out your phone and spectating the interaction. Shortly thereafter, you were spotted on the 911 app by an org member, and you had admitted to calling the police, which is why we roughed you up a bit. This was in fact a proportionate...
  3. steelo

    Bug Report (Revolver Damage/ Hit Registration)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Revolver Damage/ Hit Registration How to reproduce the Bug: Shoot someone with a revolver while they are performing an action or something(?) Time Stamp: N/A Errors: N/A Media: 2 separate links:
  4. steelo

    they hate us cause they are dishonorable gutter rats

    they hate us cause they are dishonorable gutter rats
  5. steelo

    happy birthday men

    happy birthday men
  6. steelo

    Question regarding 3.4 and the bazaar.

    Yes, that is a valid approach; you should simply remain in the back of your shop where it is safe. You aren't in violation of rule 3.4 just because a shootout happens to take place outside of your shop. Primarily, you should refrain from actively entering, spectating, or remaining in the direct...
  7. steelo

    Action Request (Ryan)

    Your Steam Name: steelo Your Roleplay Name: Chuck Gempost Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:43071681 Player's Steam Name: Ryan Player's Roleplay Name: Ryan Coin Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:778287765 Why should this player be punished?: Whilst sipping on promethazine, I stumbled upon Ryan in the...
  8. steelo

    Blacklist Dispute (Spitti-loki)

    Hope this helps
  9. steelo

    Server Suggestion Paused Planters to Resume After Harvesting

    Suggestion Title: Paused Planter's to Resume After Harvesting Suggestion Description: Simple, let's say your org mate has paused your 'ready' drugs. This suggestion would cause the planter to go back to 'resumed' once the drugs are harvested. Why should this be added?: - QoL What negatives...
  10. steelo

    Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

    We can easily meet in the middle here and agree that this feature is good for roleplay to prevent criminals from yoinking every single gun when defending a raid WHILST also agreeing that the current state it is in is unrealistic and imbalanced. If the medic could check and say "the wound is...
  11. steelo

    Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

    Sure, which is why I suggest the ammo variant be used in place of the exact caliber.
  12. steelo

    Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

    Suggestion Title: Medic Wound Check Fix Suggestion Description: Medics can currently see the EXACT caliber of ammo used when checking a gunshot wound. This is EXTREMELY unrealistic, how would a medic know the difference between a 9x19mm and a 9x17mm gunshot wound? This doesn't even provide...
  13. steelo

    PERPheads Itinerary - January → February '25

    This is such a cool idea
  14. steelo

    Warning Dispute (headline)

    1. You can only dispute the validity of a punishment. 2. You should make a staff complaint if you believe your punishment was unfair
  15. steelo

    Server Suggestion Nerf Flashbangs

    Well for example, why would I ever throw a flashbang while defending my base, in their current state? I would end up flashing half of my team on accident just due to the absolutely ridiculous range and unrealistic effect of flashing players through barricades, etc. Flashbangs currently are...
  16. steelo

    Model Suggestion Revolver reloading

    Bumping this, genuinely love playing with revolvers but the reload animation exchanging all of the bullets every time makes reloading a pain in the ass.
  17. steelo

    Server Suggestion Drug Dealer Location Selection Org Perk

    Suggestion Title: Drug Dealer Location Selection Org Perk Suggestion Description: A new Organization perk that allows you to text the Drug Dealer and choose his next location. A code-word like "next" could be texted to the DD, and his reply could list the locations with numbers, "Where you...
  18. steelo

    Server Suggestion Fix Fists+RMB (grab) mechanic

    Suggestion Title: Fix Fists+RMB (grab) mechanic Suggestion Description: Currently, if you turn slightly too fast or make sudden movements whilst in the "grab" mechanic, the item you are grabbing will suddenly fall. I'm not sure if this was an intentional change or not, but it is neither...
  19. steelo


  20. steelo


  21. steelo

    pls be nice to yourself lol :P

    pls be nice to yourself lol :P
  22. steelo

    PERPHeads Staff Tierlist

  23. steelo


  24. steelo

    Ban Dispute (monk)

    Upon request Reviewed with @A1L
  25. steelo

    Grow Inc

    Yea it's hard to fit the entire Office rooftop into an inventory to be fair
  26. steelo

    TRIANGLE | steelo

    anyone available to translate this?
  27. steelo

    TRIANGLE | steelo

    HAHAHAHA holy gem
  28. steelo

    TRIANGLE | steelo

    this is slander, mods?
  29. steelo

    TRIANGLE | steelo

    had these clips just sitting on my drive for too long song