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  1. Dave

    Law Reform Update: New motions and changes to - Vote Now!

    We'd like to thank whoever sent a messenger pigeon to TinySlayer as that is the only way to contact him
  2. Dave

    Best Combat orgs in perp

    MiP only got first last reset because of me farming rival kill xp by running several instances of gmod and owning 14 alts, sorry guys
  3. Dave

    [IMG] [MEDIA]

  4. Dave

    WHO IS THAT!!!!

    WHO IS THAT!!!!
  5. Dave

    what happened man

    what happened man
  6. Dave

    The most hated thing on perp

    Flex your Y muscle babe
  7. Dave

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  8. Dave


  9. Dave

    I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m...

    I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize.
  10. Dave

    The most hated thing on perp

    not being able to jump on top of courier warehouse
  11. Dave


  12. Dave

    at least instagram wont censor reels you send me from now on

    at least instagram wont censor reels you send me from now on
  13. Dave


  14. Dave

    Police Suggestion New distractionary devices

    Flashbangs are insanely effective already, you just need to use them right. The only reason you think they aren't good is because none of the RTFOs have been trained in anyway to use them, this is precisely why TFU Command delegate such a long timeframe to them during the practical and have an...
  15. Dave

    16:9 III - Revenge of the Kosher

    very disappointed that this didnt make it to the outro
  16. Dave

    Rifle Preference

  17. Dave

    thank god kronens name isnt displayed

    thank god kronens name isnt displayed
  18. Dave

    i'm surprised they even unbanned you from the forums with that awful reactionscore:message ratio

    i'm surprised they even unbanned you from the forums with that awful reactionscore:message ratio
  19. Dave

    @Bolli can you get rid of this one as well please

    @Bolli can you get rid of this one as well please
  20. Dave

    have any of you heard of this revolutionary thing called direct messaging

    have any of you heard of this revolutionary thing called direct messaging
  21. Dave

    royhb, collier and tom irl meetup?

    royhb, collier and tom irl meetup?
  22. Dave


  23. Dave

    Lebron clears

    Lebron clears
  24. Dave


    download gcfscape-->download CS Legacy in steam betas-->open GCFScape and navigate to the counterstrike file path-->open pak01_dir in the CS file path-->find the skin you want (not all of them are there or usable) alternatively you can find lower quality textures of CS textures on this website...
  25. Dave

    Favourite Pistol and Why ?

    @Efan who told this bloke about our pocket sniper
  26. Dave

    Server Suggestion Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes

    This would work very well, adding a textbox where users can enter their own value in would also make this more user friendly and could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
  27. Dave

    Server Suggestion Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes

    This would work very well, adding another arrow beside each one that would take it to 0 and 5 could accommodate dramatic changes. It could look a little something like this:
  28. Dave

    Server Suggestion Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes

    Suggestion Title: Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes Suggestion Description: Currently there is a slider where you select the amount of propane being used on a chemical table, I suggest it is changed to 6 boxes that you can choose one to be ticked. Why should this be added...
  29. Dave

    Action Request (Dave)

    I had just killed his friend, making significant noise and it being very obvious that I had killed him and that a raid was ongoing. Due to Morons being a very open area I wanted to get into cover as soon as possible, so I began full sprinting inside but then I see someone running toward me. As I...