Model Suggestion .22LR weapons and ammo

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Suggestion Title: .22LR weapons and ammo
Suggestion Description: I will edit this with image links leading to the firearm in question!

Adding .22LR Weapons to PERP, with a new “.22 Rimfire” ammo type.

The .22LR weapons should be cheap firearms that offer good capacity and accuracy at the cost of very low damage.

Currently the suppressors except the PPK one are still quite loud and noticeable, the .22LR weapons biggest selling point should be their price and how quiet they are suppressed.

Balancing factors for the 10/22 and its general performance should be:
- Very low damage, the lowest damage on PERP guns.
- Poor penetration and vehicle damage.
- Very high accuracy
- Very low, in some cases almost nonexistent recoil.

.22 Rimfire ammo boxes should:
- Cost around $1000 to craft
- Should come with 100 rounds.

Ideas for .22LR guns and ensuing attachments should include:
- Ruger 10/22, a semi automatic .22LR sports rifle with a 25 round magazine (optional irl but the perp one should have it stock). Either the classic looking one in black polymer or a “Tactical” Frame model could be added. The rifles crafting price should be around $5400, and have the ability to take all sight attachments up to the PM2.
- Ruger MK.4 handgun with a 10 round mag. Would basically be a more accurate, less recoil PPK that should cost around $2600 to craft.
- American 180 sub machine gun (Has a 177 round drum mag which would actually allow it to see use, but for the sake of perp, it should be 180 rounds as that’s a nice whole number) Should cost around $10000 To craft as this would be incredibly viable.
- Walther P22: a .22LR P99 handgun with a 10 round magazine. Should cost around $2500 to craft.
- Heritage Rough Rider ”barkeep”: single action compact 22WMR handgun designed around the Colt Single Action army system. This should cost around $1800 to make, which would be the cheapest pistol on perp.
- SIG M1911-22: A .22LR M1911 with a 10 round magazine. Should cost around $2500 to craft

- .22LR Suppressor, should fit all non revolver .22LR handguns and should cost around $2450 to craft. It would take up

Why should this be added?:
- Good cheap guns for sweater self defence as they’re cheap, ammo’s cheap and plentiful, and crafting levels for these would be low.
- Ideal for less risky sports shooting events.
- A nice change from the 200 5.56 rifles we already have.
- The American 180 would be like shooting a swarm of bees at someone and would be the only real way to realistically implement a balanced Light Machine gun weapon onto PERP.
- Having almost silent primaries and secondaries for people to quietly assassinate someone.
- The classic look of these weapons fits perp.
- The Barkeep revolver would look great in scene builds.
- Models for these guns, as well as guns that can be used as a base for this model, can be found in a lot of places.

What negatives could this have?:
- Model and animation work needed.
- More content in the content packs.
- The Barkeep revolver would probably not see much use beyond memeing and scene building.
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22LR / 22Magnum firearms would actually make an amazing addition to perp, not only are they almost un-hearable when suppressed but at close range they are lethal and i feel they would fit perfectly into perpheads.
+1 deffo support this idea
Other considerations could include adding the ability to craft a 10/22 into a 10/22 charger pistol!

Here’s some videos of probably the most ideal firearm for perp in this suggestion, the Ruger MK 4 handgun!


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